Chapter 5: Why Is My Roommate A Cop?

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Chapter 5: Why Is My Roommate A Cop?

Elsa stared at her boss with her mouth gaping wide open. He couldn't be serious. He could not be serious. Her working with.... him?! This was not happening. How could she work with that pretentious douchbag? Sure, she had somehow managed to work with him recently but it had taken all of her self-control not to do something or say something she would regret later.

"Yes," North leaned back in his chair," I think this would be a great opportunity for you two to learn something from each other."

Elsa was a second away from quitting her job right then and there but the thought of Jack winning by default kept her glued to her chair. Forcing herself to take in a deep breath and remain calm, she put a smile on her face.

"So, what's the plan?" she asked North in the most pleasant voice she could muster.

"That is for you and Jack to figure out," North replied. "Now, I expect you two to work together civilly," he placed extra emphasis on that last word which made Elsa gulp slightly. He obviously knew about their history. "You are on the same team here. So, act like it. Got it?" he glared at them until they nodded – rather slowly. "Good, now you have two months to prepare. Senator Nelson is currently in the South Sudan which makes it difficult to get to him at the moment, however," North looked quite pleased at something, "he is coming back to the states in two months to visit family who just happens to live here in Burgess. That will be your only opening as he will be in Washington three days later and be in Congress. Our client has informed us that the hit absolutely must take place before he sets foot in Washington. So, your only opportunity will be those three days that he is here. Understand?"

"Yes," the pair nodded.

"The folder in front of you has everything you need and if you need more information about anything, you know how to get it. Now off you go and behave."

The pair of them grumbled slightly but left North's office. There was a slight pause as they both hovered outside Elsa's office.

"So, thinking we should get a game plan together," Jack shrugged. "How about after work when we both have had a chance to look over the files? We could meet in a mutual place, what about the bar? It's owned by North and run by a fellow assassin so we can freely discuss stuff."

"Yeah okay," Elsa said, fiddling with her snowflake pendant. "See you there at nine?"

"You got it," Jack gave her a wink before he walked away.

Elsa was about to go into her office to study the file that North gave her when her phone buzzed. It was a text from Anna. She opened the message to read it.

Had to go into work to cover a friend and Kristoff isn't home, is it possible for you to swing by home to look after Sven?

When Kristoff moved in, so did his dog, Sven. Now, Elsa wasn't opposed to Sven. She loved dogs but she had made it clear, that she was not responsible for him especially not with her unpredictable work schedule. A sigh came out of her mouth. Well, she was just going to be looking over files and this was certainly something she could do from home and it was Anna begging here. Guess, she was dog-sitting today.

Yeah sure, I can be home in ten.

Elsa's phone dinged within a second of her sending that text.

Thank you so much!

Groaning slightly, she tucked her phone into her back pocket. Well, at least Sven was a pretty awesome dog. Gathering her things, she headed out of the office and back home. Once there, she found a panicked Anna racing around in her light green scrubs.

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