A little blob of cells

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How hard could it be? You are just telling your father that you are getting a baby with the woman you love" Did Adam thought on the way over to his dad. Adam was on the over way to his dads house to watch a Blackhawks game together and to tell him that Kim is pregnant. He and Kim had talked a lot since he asked her to get married and she said no, they had made up with a plan. Co-parenting, Adam wanted more but at the moment he was happy with being there for the baby when it's born and the next following months for Kim. Their unit knows already and the both of them felt comfortable enough by now to tell other people as well. Adam just wasn't so sure about his dad, his dad has a gambling addiction and they both know it but nobody wants to admit it or more Bob doesn't and there was also Adam's childhood. His childhood had been shity, his dad was at the district or at a bar and barely home, his mom left when he was five and since he was five it went all down. When he was fifteen, he found out that he has a little sister, Kate, she was the result of an one night stand his dad had and she was his princess, Bob was more there for her than for his son with whom he lived with. So why should he want his dad to be in the life of his kid, the drinking and bad bets making pops or what? That made Adam come to the next question, why is he even then telling his dad. Yes, he is his dad and since Adam graduated from high school Bob was more there for him which ended when Adam got into intelligence. He didn't know what happened between Al, Voight and Bob but it must be a hell of a thing, Bob literally hated it that Adam worked with Voight and that was even before the thing last year. His son went to jail because of Hank Voight and Bob Ruzek wasn't pleasant about it, he had called Atwater and Burgess multiple times to find out what happened with Adam just to find out they didn't know either but when his dad visited him at jail he ignored him first but at the end he had a conversation just about Bob telling him that this is a mistake and that it's just Voight's fault. Adam tried to explain him the story the best he could after his release and Bob little understand what his son did. Since then they tried to meet up once a month but the last month he couldn't come either he was on a case or he and Kim had discussed their situation they got in. The baby was unplanned and that was an understatement but he loved it, Adam needed a bit time to rap his head around the idea of getting a baby but was now happier since ever and Kim was alright as well. His little rice grain baby had him wrapped around its fingers already with nearly having fingers develop already but it had and he would do everything for it. Adam was pulled out of his thoughts when he pulled into the familiar street to his dad. He sat there for a minute to sort his thoughts. Then he took the little box which was on passenger seat and left the car. He had thought about taking the box with him or just dropping the bombshell on his father but at the end decided to take the box with him.

Adam went towards the door and knocked to let his dad know he was coming in before opening the door with the key from under the bird feeder. "Hey, Pops I am coming in." Adam let his dad know. "Hey son, you nearly missed the start of pregame." But greeted him from his armchair. "Hey sorry for not showing up the last month, work kept me busy." Adam said and it was true, Halstead was kidnapped and since then they were one man down but now Jay is back. "No problem, what's that?" Bob asked pointing to the box in Adams hand as he sit down after patting his dad on the back. "Nothing." Adam said and put the box under his coat. "Beer is in the fridge anyway." The older Ruzek told his son. "Maybe later..." Adam answered. He wanted to do the sober thing for Kim, at least tried and his beer consume went to low, everybody thought he will get back to his old beer consume in just a few weeks but Adam wanted to make it and Kim was a bit impressed. "My son isn't drinking beer? You good?" Bob questioned him. "Yes, thought to lose my little beer belly." Adam lied. "You are sporting and your belly is barely showing. Just drink one, it won't hurt." The elder man said. "Later, I haven't said no, pap's." Adam said. "Alright if you want you know where to find it. So, what's your guess who is winning." Bob said and Adam knew the next minutes where only going to be about the latest games, which he missed unfortunately the most of.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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