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My wait for my father to come back was a long and tiring endeavor. You know how when you're waiting for something or someone as the case maybe, time seems to slow down instead of speed up? That is exactly how I felt when waiting for dad.

While waiting for dad to come back, let me tell you a little about myself. You already know my name. I'm a proud student of ss1; I'm kind of a smart cookie, so I jumped a few classes, and I just finished my third semester. My hobbies include reading romance novels (whether paperbacks or ebooks), watching romance movies, anything Korean (books, webtoons, movies, series even learning Korean language). My favourite colour shifts between pink and purple on a daily basis.

My favourite food is ukwa (officially known as breadfruit), I also love music. I don't discriminate whether the music is African, Korean, Indian, American (even Turkish can you believe that?)

I prefer solitude to being in a large multitude of people. I prefer my own company or the company of books. I'm a bit on the big side though some might call me curvy. Watching kdramas and american television has made me a bit insecure about my shape, so I tend to get defensive when someone compliments my shape. I've learnt to love my shape but I still get insecure because of it. I still feel like people are mocking me because of my stature so I tend to put up a standoffish and I don't care what you think of me attitude to keep people away so as not to get hurt. When you spend a lot of time in an environment where being slim is a necessity to looking beautiful, it kind of destroys your self esteem. That's why I don't have friends, I mean that plus the fact that I can be rather mean and selfish equals a self entitled bitch. And this my friends is all you need to know about me. For now.

"Daddy welcome, how was your day" I say to my dad immediately I see him. My dad is very wise so he knows quickly that something is up. "Gemma, what is it?" He says in a matter of fact manner while taking off his suit jacket.

"What do you mean dad? Can't a daughter just want to talk to her father without a hidden motive?" I say in an angelic voice while batting my lashes at him. I get up and get him a glass of cold water to quench his thirst; see I can be quite a darling when I want to be, but unfortunately my parents already know me quite well. Well enough to know when I'm getting at something.

"Gemma sweetie let's not play the pretend game, where you pretend not to want anything and I pretend to believe you. What do you want?" Comes my father's reply. "Ouch, daddy that hurts, do you mean I just don't want to spend time with you?" "Gemma mi amor, I love you a lot, but both of us know that you can be quite self-centered, so what would you like?" My dad's not one to beat about the bush, guess I got that from his side of the family.

"Well daddy, the truth is mom wants me to go stay with her mother for the holidays but I don't want to" I say in a matter of fact tone. My dad considers this and says "No". Well I can't say I'm surprised, my dad is a very formidable man huge and built; but nothing scares the man like my mom. You'd be shocked seeing him kowtow to my mom especially since my mom is a lot smaller than him. Nothing scares that man like my mom, so he tries not to get on her bad side. I too am a force to be reckoned with, but he can stand to offend me but not her.

"Why am I not surprised?" I ask no one in particular. "Sweetie don't be like that, you know your mother and how she gets when she doesn't get her way" he pleads. "Dad it's ok, I get it" I storm off before he can say anything else. It's true that I've been spoilt and my parents love me but sometimes I feel like I don't matter to them, like my opinions don't matter. I guess That's why I'm a bit pessimistic and have low self esteem.

  Well it seems I'll be going to the village after all, but I won't be going without a fight. If my parents think they can just bundle me to the village, they have another think coming.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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