S.W.A.T Chris and Street Lovestory Chapter 3

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< Luca and Chris meet in the lobby of their hotel to go to TLI training. Chris is nervous and feels like Luca might have heard her conversation with Street>

Luca: Hey there you are! Are you ready for today? I heard it's gonna be intens today.

Chris: <tries  to act as normal as she can> Yeah i'm ready, let's go. We don't wanna be late on our first training.

<they get into the car>

Luca: Hey who was that on the phone? Street?

Chris: Yeah it was him, he wanted to tell me how surgery went and the doctors run some tests to see how his body is reacting.

Luca: Ok oke, how did his surgery go? Is he feeling ok?

Chris: Yeah is doing ok, little sore and tired but that's about it.

<it seems like Luca haven't heard the conversation between Chris and Street on the phone>

Luca: Good to hear! <they arrive at training>

Luca: Alright we're here, so let's go!

Chris: Let's do this!

<Meanwhile back home at the hospital>

Doctor: Well, Mr Street the tests look good so far, if it stays like this you'll be home at the end of the week.

Street: Thanks Doctor, this is good news!

<Street texts Chris  to let her know what the doctors said>

Street: Hey babe, the doctors came with the results. Everything is looking good so far so if it stays like this i'll be home at the end of the week. Have a good day at work! Miss you! xoxo 

< Street sees that Chris is online and typing a message to him>

Chris: This is such good news! I'm so happy for you and less worried. I've to go now! i'll call you later! Miss you 2! 

< there's knocking on streets hospital door>

< The boys walk in to visit Street>

Hondo: Street! What's up man!? How you feeling?

Tan: Yooooo Street!!

Deacon: Hey Street! How are you? You look kinda battered!

Street: Hey guys! nice of you to stop by! Thanks huh deac! < they all laugh>

<Street shrinks in because of laughing, it hurts a little to laugh>


Street: I'm doing good guys!

< His phone rings, it's a videocall of Chris>

Chris: Hey i just wanted to somethingthat i forgot to say.. I..wanted.. to ..

<Street interupts Chris>

Street: Hey Chris, Look who came to visit!

<turns his phone, they boys wave>

Chris: Hey you guys! Nice to see you, how are ya'll doing? Miss you guys!

The boys: Heeeeey Chris!! What's up? How's germany?

<Luca walks in>

The boys: Lucaaaaaa!!

Luca: Heeeeeey guys<waves>

Luca: Street! what's up? how you doing?

Street: Doing great man!

Chris: Well guys we need to go, it's late and we have to get up really early! 

The boys: Goodnight you 2!

<Luca waves at the camera>

Street: Goodnight!

< They hang up and the boys are leaving to>

<Chris waits about 10 minutes and than calls Street back>

Chris: Hey Street, Are you alone? 

Street: Yeah the guys just left.

Chris: I just wanted to say, i can't wait to hold you close to me, miss you so much!

Street: I can't wait either, goodnight baby!

< At that moment the doctors come in and Chris is listening in on the conversation>

Doctor: Mr. Street, we came as fast as we could but we have some bad news for you..

< The phone disconnects and Chris is yelling at her phone>

Chris: Street are you there? Street!!

<The phone is dead and you hear the disconnect tone>

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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