Chapter 1

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Louis glanced over the top of his glasses, peeking past his book and biting his lip nervously as he heard the cafe door jingling over head. Luckily all he saw was a mother carrying her daughter in from the scorching June heat, letting out a relieved breath at the cool air inside before looking to the menu board.

He couldn't help but always get unreasonably scared whenever someone walked into the cafe. Louis never knew if that someone could turn out to be a fan and spot him in the back corner he's claimed as his own over the years. He's usually hiding well enough and always wearing his glasses so most people wouldn't know who he is at first glance, but it's not like he hasn't been bombarded and almost attacked by fans who have spotted him before. And with the footie season in full swing Louis was only more on edge, hence why every time he heard the door open his head snapped up to see who was there and praying it wasn't a fan.

He knew he had to stop his worrying though, he came here to read and relax, and he hasn't been doing much of either since he sat down.

Louis ran his fingers through his hair, adjusting his glasses and really letting himself sink into his cushioned chair. His eyes roamed over the words in his book, allowing his mind to paint the scenes he read and ignoring the jingling bell that rang through the cafe every few minutes.

Louis was actually shocked he let himself get sucked into his book so quickly, but he desperately wanted to relax and not think about football for a bit and get out of his flat. Well that, and he also just really loved reading and escaping his real life for a little bit and delve into another one.

But of course, just as he was really getting into it, his eyes locked on his book, biting his lip and wondering where it would take him he heard someone clearing their throat and tapping on the table, clearly trying to get his attention.

Louis let out a deep breath, picking his head up and feeling himself still as he saw a bright pair of green eyes looking back at him. What had his heart really begin to race though was the Manchester United jersey he was wearing and the way he was nervously smiling at him.

"Uhm hey, so I was just wondering if I could sit with you? I'm really sorry, it's just everywhere else is taken..."

Louis swallowed thickly, opening and closing his mouth as he took his eyes off the jersey and actually looked at the man in front of him.

His cheeks were tinted pink, probably from the heat outside and from the way he was smiling Louis could see dimples that made him look that much more endearing. His curls were pushed up and off his forehead but were free on the side and his eyes seemed so bright and warm but his face showed just how bad he felt about asking something so simple, like he was disrupting something important.

"Sure, yeah," Louis barely managed to whisper out, nodding and moving a few of his things on the table.


Louis raised his eyebrows, this guy seeming way too happy just over a seat.

"This is really great, I was nervous I would have to go somewhere else to eat and work," the curly haired lad laughed to himself. "I'm Harry by the way."

Louis bit his lip, wanting to be polite and introduce himself, but it was clear this guy didn't know who he was. Either that or he was really good at acting. But Louis didn't want to tell him his real name, didn't want this guy to possibly catch on to who he was and blow his cover.

"William," he introduced himself quietly, shaking his offered hand and trying to keep his head down so Harry wouldn't fully see his face.

But Louis did try to peek at him from over his glasses, seeing him smiling widely back before dropping their hands and bending over to get something from his backpack. And what really caught his attention was his jersey, feeling himself go still as he saw the "Tomlinson" written on the back with his number as well.

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