chapter 2

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Chapter 2

All I could hear was the sound of my heels clicking and clacking against the wood floor. Well, that and the sound of my heart beating out of my chest that I'm fully convinced the mice in the walls could hear. My mind continuously went over the mental checklist I made, it was the only thing that put my nerves to rest.

My father once told me that I wasn't the brightest child and that he couldn't expect much because I am a girl. I've taken his words to heart which is why I tried my best to be the perfect lady. I guess that's the only thing I've got going for me. Be quiet and timid, don't speak unless you're spoken to, sit up straight, cross your legs, stay away from men but do as they say. The list goes on and on but I have it so memorized I could recite it in my sleep.

Before I knew it I arrived at the staircase. I looked up to see more people gathered in my family room than I've ever seen in my whole life. I took a deep breath and placed my shaking hand on the railing, the other hand lifting my dress slightly in hopes of minimizing my chance of falling. I looked down and tried to make my steps quiet. The fewer eyes on me the better.

As soon as my foot hit the floor I let out a relieved sigh, thankful that I didn't fall. I tried looking for my parents everywhere, accidentally bumping into some very scary people in the process. I began to get anxious and felt tears well up in my eyes. I felt as if everyone around me was moving in slow motion and I was trapped.

Suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed mine, pulling me from my trance. I immediately turned around to see a familiar face, Mrs.Rose, Charles's wife. "Mrs. Rose!" I said, a little too loud before embracing her in a tight hug. She giggled and hugged me back. "My, my you look, breathtaking dear. You're so grown up." She said with a motherly smile causing a warm blush to grace my face. "Thank you, so do you," I mumbled looking down.

"Sweet girl." she laughed and grabbed my hand finally taking me away from the loud chatter and scary adults. "Let's get some food in your stomach." At the thought of food, my stomach grumbled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten all day. She looked at me knowingly and shook her head in disapproval. I looked down in shame, she hated when I didn't eat but mother was proud of me when I didn't.

Mrs. Rose placed a warm bowl of minestrone in front of me and I squealed in delight. This was one of my favorite meals. My grandma makes it for me whenever I visit her. "Thank you, Mrs. Rose!" I smiled gratefully. I knew that I shouldn't eat but I was weak and tired so I gave in, pushing all my doubt out the window.

Just as I was about to take a bite my mother walks into the kitchen and harshly yanks the spoon out of my hand. I look at my mother's angry face and then over at Mrs. Rose, the distraught look on my face begging her to save me. But it's no use she holds no authority over my mother, who always wins. My mind drifted back to a few years ago. I had been playing outside all day and when I went inside to have a snack that Mrs. Rose prepared for me, my mother flipped out and didn't let me eat for 48 hours. She said I needed to learn "patience" and "control", ironic coming from her. I was only 6. Since then it's only gotten worse.

My mother's harsh tone brought me back to reality. "I am beyond disappointed in you. Not only are you late to the party but you're in here eating like a pig. This is not the young lady I raised. Your father and I don't ask for much, please stop being so selfish and disrespectful. Now let's go." "I-I am s-sorry mother." I choked out, trying not to cry, knowing that would only make matters worse. Gosh, I'm such a screw-up, no wonder why my parents are ashamed of me.

As my mother was dragging me out of the kitchen like a rag doll I looked behind me, sending Mrs. Rose a sad smile. She was silently crying and I mouthed I'm sorry before I was launched back out into the crowd of people I didn't know.

Hours passed and I felt my eyes closing on their own will. I spent this whole time submissively standing at my parent's side, giggling at jokes that weren't funny, and fighting the urge to retract my hand every time a slimy man kissed it. I didn't want to make them feel bad and I especially didn't want to embarrass my parents further. The chatter was finally dying down as people were leaving. There were only a few stragglers left. Thank God.

I was still standing with my parents as they talked. I looked down at my feet, tuning out everyone and everything around me, noticing how all conversation seemed to have abruptly stopped. I sighed, too tired to care, and didn't bother to look up from my shoes. All that could be heard in the room, once alive with chatter, was the sound of expensive shoes hitting the wood floor. I looked up at my father's face as he spoke, a look I've never seen before overtook his usual blank face. Fear? "M-Mr. Romanov. What a-are you doing here?" My father said shakily. I've never seen him so distraught before.

A deep chuckle was heard, so sinister it sent shivers up my spine. I turned around and what my eyes saw almost sent me to my knees. A tall man towering over my father's 6'3 body with hair as black as night and deep blue eyes, so dark they almost matched his hair. He was wearing an all-black suit, the top buttons of his dress shirt undone showing his tan chest and allowing tattoos to peak out. My eyes traveled to his hands adorned with tattoos as well. A deep blush appeared on my cheeks as I realized what I'd been doing.

"I believe we have business to discuss, да." he said in a deep voice, a heavy accent very evident when he spoke. I knew my father was a powerful man but whoever this man is was way more powerful, the way he demanded all eyes on him as soon as he entered a room was enough to tell me this. My father nodded and ushered him to his office while everyone began chatting again.

My mother knelt down to my level before whispering "Go straight to your room and don't speak to anyone." in my ear. I nodded my head and began limping out of the room, my feet now as sore as ever. I couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching me. So against my better judgment, I glanced behind me expecting to find my mother watching me but instead I locked eyes with a certain handsome devil.

oh em gee ch.2 is done! I hope u guys enjoyed it I spent a long time trying to get it right but I decided im just gonna write the story and then when it's done i'll go back and edit. ly guys and thanks for reading!<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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