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Persephone POV:

What was he doing here? Showing his face in front of you after what he did. The amount of hate you had for Kevin Levin was out of this world. And when you saw his face, all that hate just came back to the surface. But as with that hate came sadness, I trusted Kevin and he betrayed you. Left me in a place of darkness and so many other things.

"Persephone "Kevin whispered while he took slow steps to me, and I greeted him with a harsh slap to the cheek that turned his head to the side

In that moment of anger I wasn't aware of the two people behind Kevin who watched in shock. And even forgot Demetris was behind me. But as soon as my hand was stinging red, I was once again facing the reality of my situation. Before anybody could say anything I was already heading out the door. Sprinting really and Kevin and Demetris were hot on my trail.

"Persephone! Please talk to me, let me explain" Kevin spoke shakily

I wasn't even giving him the satisfaction of looking at him. The pain was unbearable to even do so. I was in such a rush to put on my motorcycle gear and get out of here that I didn't even notice Demetris doing the same.

"Kevin, what is going on?" I heard a male voice but didn't even bother to look. 

My gear was all strapped on and I was climbed on my motorcycle, starting the engine before I was revving the engine. Leaving the dust to kick up in the their faces before I let go and took off.

Tears shining from the moonlight hitting my face, I drifted into the turn before taking off into a straight away. 

Third POV:

Kevin knew that he had to fix this before it was too late, that's why he was dashing to his car and taking off without the cousins. Leaving them behind in the dust.

"Hey! Kevin! Gwen!" Ben yelled out at Kevin watching him drive off before he watched as Gwen used her powers to run after them.

He turned to his watch before turning into Big Chill to fly after them. After catching up to this mysterious Persephone, he slowed to stop at the scene in front of him. A rare sight for sure, yet he was seeing it with his very own two eyes. Kevin was begging for this mysterious girl's forgiveness. 

One thing Ben knew he was bad at was reading people, however whoever this girl was Infront of him he could tell from the expression on her face, that she wasn't happy with Kevin and seemed to be on the verge of sobbing.

It also didn't help that her eyes started to shine this bright lilac color....

Persephone was beyond enrage with the sight of the boy Infront of her, he had betrayed her so deeply, like their relationship was nothing to him at all.

" Get away from me Kevin...don't you have more important things to tend to besides me? You made it very clear to me that our relationship wasn't important last time" Persephone had already gotten off her bike and was walking away with her back towards Kevin

"Sephie, let me ex-" Kevin had began while trying to walk closer to the girl he once knew like the back of his hand

Persephone turned towards the boy with a new found rage in her" You don't get to call me that anymore! Ever!", she was close and in Kevin's face but her gaze was ice cold

"Just... listen to me please...ok, I didn't mean to-" Kevin began, his started to raise to meet hers like he once did years ago....

"Hi, Hello, sorry to interrupt this moment between the two of you guys but Ben and I completely lost?....Kevin?" Gwen interrupted and walked up behind Kevin along with Ben, making their presence known

Persephone, who wasn't aware of the company they had, glanced at Gwen and Ben before she took steps away from Kevin before she turned back and began to mount her bike again to ride back to Demetris

She was quiet. drained. but most of all confused.... why now of all times did the Kevin come and decided now was the time to try and mend what little was left of their relationship..

In a daze, Persephone heard a voice call out to her before she could take off....

"Hey! Wait!" It was the boy the girl referred to as Ben...she thinks..he was already approaching her with a calm expression...

"Look, I know Kevin can be annoying and a butthead", he laughed and somehow got the girl to light chuckle along, "and I know its known of me or gwen's business....but in all of the time I've known Kevin, I've rarely seen him be sorry....let alone beg for forgiveness from someone"

Ben was softly gazing at Persephone while he was holding his thumb over his right should pointing at Kevin and Gwen, who seemed preoccupied talking about what just happened...

Persephone glanced at the pair before looking back at Ben who was was already staring back before he looked around

"Look, I don't know what happened between the two of you guys, but you seemed to be really close before and knowing Kevin now...he has a reason for coming back and trying to apologize now...", Ben was now staring back at Persephone while she looked off in front her

She was contemplating something....Ben was right, she still knew Kevin like she use to and Kevin wasn't one to beg for things...unless he absolutely needed something..

Ben watched as her face softened before she look back at him and Kevin, eventually she got off the bike and turned to walk to Kevin, but not before she turned to Ben 

"Thank you" she locked eyes with him while giving him a slight smile before walking off to Kevin

Persephone was going to suck it up and put on her big girl pant on and see why Kevin Levin was really here...

Kevin had already saw her approaching him and turned to face her with a relieved face, he opened his mouth once she was close enough to start but Persephone was quicker...

"Here's how this is going to go...You are going to tell me why you need me and once you do, i'm going to decide whether or not i'm going to help..."

"Ye-yea" Kevin said right away before she continued

"but just know...whatever happens, we are strictly acquaintances from here out", she was serious..not an ounce of any other emotion in her eyes, just brown eyes void of anything staring back...

He hesitated because, while yes, Mr. Paradox was the one to tell him to fix his relationship with her...he did miss the relationship he one had with her

But, he wasn't stupid...he knew that he was the reason why she felt so distant and cold to him... so he didn't push his luck and just agreed

"I understand" he was looking down now

The two cousins stood off to the side while they both watched the former friends discuss why Kevin needed Persephone's help now

Kevin kept his explanation short, while Persephone kept quiet and listened to why he was now infront of her....

And she couldn't help but feel another surge of sadness and rage come over her again, Kevin wasn't here to apologize to her because he genuinely felt sorry and wanted to fix their relationship... No, he just wanted, sorry, needed something from her...

She'd be lying if she said that eyes maintained completely dry throughout their conversation because even though didn't want to admit it, she still hoped that there was an ounce of the boy she was knew in there....

Even though she wanted nothing to do with Kevin Levin ever again, she was smart and knew that if some weird time traveling wizard guy had Kevin come and find must be for something important and dangerous in the future, which is the only reason why she finds herself saying...

"I'll help you guys"

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