Chapter 1

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Eden Taylor*

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Eden Taylor*

There was always some type of problem in my house I couldn't wait till I was old enough to get out of here and get away from everyone

Eden come downstairs and help with these grocery's please my mother exclaimed

She seemed happy for some reason and I dont wanna bother her by asking what was the reason I was happy that she was happy she been struggling with happiness since my father passed

Okay I'm coming mommy I yelled downstairs closing my room door behind I kind of wanted to go swimming today but my mom probably had other plans in mind i thought about as I scoffed out loud

Okay I'm here were are the grocery's I said looking around for the grocery's she said we're down here and to surprise there weren't any just my mom standing there with a huge smile on her face

Mom hello I said snapping in-front of her face trying to figure out what it was that she was smiling at she really did seem extremely happy today she broke her silence now frowning because of the annoyed look on my face

Aww babe I'm sorry I didn't mean to irritate you I just had some news that I wanted enlighten you on she said to me now regaining her smile back

Okay rap to me mom I said trying to sound like I was a New Yorker she laughed a little before talking

Okay so remember my childhood Best-friend Anita she said getting more anxious to get to her point by the minute I nodded my head not wanting to interrupt her okay well her son and her are moving back around this way she exclaimed

Really mom that's great for you I'm happy you get to reunite with your bestie I said smiling a little as long as she was happy nothing else mattered to me

Well that's not it my love she pushing my curl from the front of my face that one curl always fell in-front of my face ever since I was a little kid I smiled at her waiting for her to continue

Her son mikey do you remember him you guys had the cutest little crush on one another it was the cutest thing ever she said making her voice echo

I glanced at her with a look of embarrassment on my face before speaking mom what do you mean crush he pushed me off the monkey bars when we were little not to mention the huge ass pile of dog shit that he made me step in what kind of crush is that who does that to someone they like I questioned

Silly kids well eden your gonna have to show him around he hasn't been back here in almost 11 years he's probably forgot almost everything fun around here she said looking at me with a genuine look

Fine bu- I was cut off by knocking on the door it frightened me a little bit because of how loud it was kind of like police knocking I looked over at my mom as she walked to the door to open it not even bothering to ask who it was

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