The Start of a New World

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The child felt a falling sensation. Plop. The child was in a town. A town with a rainbow road, a lego train, and houses that looked like Peppa Pigs. This new world seemed endless. The voice seemed to find the child again this time much louder.
"Don't stray from the path young one"
The child was scared of this voice, they didn't want to trust it. The youngling found themselves walking along this rainbow path. This world seemed so harmless so welcoming. Every "person"  the child saw had wierd clothing and a random object as their head. There was a very diffrent tempeture here than back home. It was like spring time, the child quite enjoyed this. Hunger arose on the younge one. They stopped infront of a cafe that seemed to re-apear where ever they went. The cafe had a nice aromua of freshely baked goods. The child quite liked this so they walked inside. It was diffrent.. the walls where covered in clocks all pointing at diffrent times like they had broken. The small one walked up to the counter and asked the lady at the front
"May I have a glazed donut please?"
"Of Corse" The woman at the counter said.
The child froze the womans voice sounded so fimilar yet they could not put a pin on it. They brushed it off like nothing and waited for their donut. The lady gave the child their donut and said
"Rember Melody Dont drink the tea."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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