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Hello! I know I promised you my new ff, but you'll have that one later this week. Today I spent the whole day writing this new idea I had and I hope you like it 🙂

I love you all 💘

Mag 🦋

[ Harry's POV ]

It was really early in the morning when I got on the first train that took me to the city of Doncaster.
I took my suitcase and my guitar with me and walked through the hallway of the wagon in search of a single seat to rest for the next couple of hours ahead of me.

Unfortunately, all the seats were already taken except for this one by the side of a sleeping boy resting his head on the window.
I intended to ask him if it was okay for me to sit on the hallway seat, but he was peacefully sleeping, I couldn't wake him up to ask him. That would be mean.

Suddenly the train started moving and I stumbled on my feet a little, recovering balance shortly after.

The guy on the window seat moved his head to the side a little by the sudden movement but didn't wake up at all.

I stared at him for a second before placing my suitcase and the guitar on the shelf above the seats and deciding to sit by his side. I could feel him flinching a little by my presence now, but he didn't wake up.

I smiled to myself, happy that I would spend the rest of the ride on a comfortable seat without worries.

I searched through the pockets in my handbag for my headphones, but after an intense search without results, I gave up and sighed.

I shifted a little in my seat and with nothing else to do, I turned to the sleepy stranger by my side.

He looked tiny and cute in his sleepy state and his hair was tousled against the glass window.
It seemed like he sensed my eyes on him because he shifted in his sleep too, turning his body to my side, leaning towards me and dropping his head on my shoulder.

I froze.

"Hey mate." - I whispered.

He didn't even flinch.

"I'm just going to move you, okay?" - I whispered again and carefully took his head in my hand, moving him until his head was straight again, resting on the back of the seat.

I sighed in relief. He didn't wake up.

I looked away at the glass window by the stranger's side, seeing blurry landscapes of the city passing through.
It was a long trip to not have my headphones with me, but I was going to be alright.

I felt a sudden pressure on my shoulder and I turned to look at the stranger's head again resting on it.

"Excuse me?" - I whispered. - "Hey..." - I tried to poke his arm a little to see if he would react.

He didn't.

Is he dead maybe?
No, Harry he is breathing, he is not dead.
Maybe he just has a deep sleep. That's all.

I tried moving his head once more but he didn't even stay a second in place before returning to land on my shoulder.

"Well I guess you're comfortable there." - I sighed. - "For the record, I'm Harry. You?" - I asked him and giggled to myself.

It's not like he is going to answer you.

"I wish I could sleep like you, stranger. I never really could sleep on moving transports." - I said. - "My mother never let me take sleeping pills either, not even for long flights. Once I spent an eleven hours flight without sleeping and I know my mother had a lot of murderous thoughts about me. I just couldn't stop asking her when we were going to land, she was freaking out." - I giggled and shook my head. - "On my defense, I was twelve. But now I'm twenty one, I can decide by myself, and maybe I'll try the pills next time. Not today though, it's not that long of a ride to Doncaster anyway, I can handle it. But you seem very cozy in your sleep, don't you?" - I asked, looking down at my shoulder again and staring at his relaxed features. - "I hope you don't pass your station though, I wish I knew where you're headed just in case, so I can wake you up, you sleepy stranger."

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