Ch. 4 Magic Bullet

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A/N: I definitely channeled season five Hope Mikaelson in this chapter. I apologize for that now.


THE TWO HALES FINALLY MANAGED TO TRACK THE ALPHA. Or, Derek had somehow found it and Ayla had tracked him.

Derek leaned down, seeing blood on the ground. "You shouldn't be here," he said, not even turning around.

Ayla smiled, moving out of the shadows. "I couldn't sleep," she told him.

Derek sent her a look, but they both heard growling before he could scold her. The youngest Hale immediately took off after it. "Ayla!" Derek snapped, following after. She didn't stop, even scaling a building to keep up with the alpha. She lost it once she was on the roof and came to a halt to look around. "Go home before you get hurt," Derek told her, coming to stand next to her.

"There it is," she said, spotting the alpha and taking off again. She tried to jump from one roof to another, only to hear a gunshot. The force pushed her off course, making her fall at least two stories and onto her back. "Damn it," she muttered, groaning as she laid on the hard ground.

Derek was next to her almost immediately, only he came down a lot more gracefully. "Are you okay?" he asked, kneeling down next to her.

"Great," she muttered, trying to sit up. She gasped as pain shot through her arm. She pulled up the sleeve of her shirt, revealing the bullet wound. It was glowing blue and blue smoke was rising from it. "My nightmare," she realized. She looked up at Derek, who was looking at her in concern.

"I need to get you out of here," he decided, helping Ayla to her feet.


"You're not nearly as sneaky as you think you are," Ayla muttered. She was laying down, having needed some time for her werewolf healing to kick in after the fall. Her arm was still aching, though. She sat up, turning to look at Derek. The man was standing in the doorway, watching her.

"It hasn't healed, has it?" he wondered.

Ayla frowned. "Of course it hasn't. Whatever it is, it was meant to kill me," she told him.

Her uncle frowned. He was pretty certain that bullet had been meant to kill him long before her, but the original intentions of whoever had fired wouldn't help her any. "You're not dying," Derek told her.

Ayla just looked down at her lap. She had been trying her best to keep herself going the past few weeks. She had kept busy, either with school or Lydia and Allison. But she missed her mother. A part of her wasn't sure that her dying was a bad thing at this point.

"Get up. We're gonna fix this," Derek told her, walking away. Ayla sighed, standing up. She was immediately dizzy, proving that whatever poison was in the bullet was beginning to take affect. She took a breath, steadying herself against the wall. She then went to find some clothes that hadn't been slept in.


By the time the Hales arrived at the high school, Ayla was pretty sure she was running a fever. Sweat beaded on her forehead and she was unusually pale. "Stay here," Derek told her, going inside.

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