Chapter 3

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Hello everyone, sorry it took a while to update! Enjoy!

Chapter Warnings:

Explicit Language
Food play I guess?


"Thanks everyone. Good job today." Your boss says curtly before turning on his heel to head out. He's short, but he knows how to grab everyone's attention. He stops at your desk to speak to you briefly.

"Hey, so there is a meeting that I'm having with a new client in a couple of weeks, and I think it would be great if you could come and and observe. I know it isn't within working hours, but it'll give you some intel if you're chosen for VP." He says.

"Oh wow. That sounds great. I'll be there. Thank you sir."

"Sure, I'll email you the details about it." With that, he's gone for the day.

You feel both excited and nervous about this. You have sat in on many meetings before, but your boss has never come to you personally to speak to you about it. The fact that he even mentioned the VP position to you makes the goal you're working so hard for finally seem to be somewhat within reach.

You're so lost in thought, you don't see or feel the set of green orbs on you.

"So, what was short-stack talking to you about?" Eren whispers as everyone leaves for the day.

"Are you crazy? Don't sneak up on me like that!" You gasp.

"Don't be dramatic. If you weren't drooling over over him, I wouldn't have startled you."

"You think... that I'm drooling... over our own boss? He was asking me to sit in on a meeting next weekend actually." You brag.

"Oh, with the new client?" He leans in. "I'll be there too." His tone is as arrogant as ever.

"Of fucking course." You mutter.

"You have a smart mouth, we'll have to do something about that. I'm still coming over later, right?"

"Yep. See you." You scurry off without saying another word, and you head home.

You walk in and go straight for the bathroom to get yourself cleaned up. Eren suggested that he come to your place instead of his tonight, for a change of scenery you assumed. The both of you have been together a few— well, many more times since the first meeting at his loft, and its been nothing short of amazing.

This arrangement isn't conventional, but it works perfectly with your hectic schedule at the moment. Neither one of you have time for romance, at least not yet.

Eren arrives just in time as you finish putting on some fresh clothes.

You open the door, and Eren has on sweats and a solid v-neck. You're not used to seeing him dressed so casually, but you definitely don't mind it. You move to the side as you allow him in, and he scans over your apartment.

"Whats in the bag?" You ask as you notice Eren brought along some things with him.

"Hmph. That's for me to know, and for you to find out."

You scoff as you close and lock your door.

"Want anything?" You ask as you grab yourself a drink from the fridge.

"No thanks, I'm good for now."

Eren seems to make himself right at home as he walks through your apartment like he owns it. He finds your bedroom and drops his bag in it. His body is propped up against your door frame as he crosses his arms, smirking at you as his tongue runs across his teeth.

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