zachary(* finally here my goal of being here*)
Zachary approached the place gazing at it with a smile, he then walked in the reception lobby area the line was quite long and tedious it nagged him but he carried on
#Zachary was handed something which looked like a ticket but only had a set of numbers, the numbers were 5 ,8 Zach then moved up to the line#
Zachary (*they said that it wouldn't be packed this morning the heck*)
Zoma(*sup Zach how's it goin?...*)
Zachary(*going good long line today it must be a special or busy day...*)
Zoma would walk deeper into the hallways of the facility seemed to be venturing off into Sector B, Zach waited patiently in the long line, finally number 58 is up Zach would be told to sign in he did after that they would let Zach in
Zachary(*Sector A yes that's where my first specimen is located room 2-102? Second floor I assume*)
#Zach headed up the stairs with eagerness to start his first experiment,Zach approached the room he felt so stirred#
Dr, Jaimee(*your zachary?... I Suppose so oh yeah it is you green hair and white lab coat with nice sneaks and a black and green button up shirt, correct? sorry for the Narration*)
Zachary(*it's alright doc so what specimen are we working on doc*)
#Jaimee was interrupted by Gordon, he slammed the door and started to play with a few flasks and science equipment#
Gordon(*he's a legally a scientist? Who said*) #he said scoffing zachary#
Zachary(*yeah I just got my level 1 keycard*)
Jaimee(* Gordon get the fuck out you have no place to be here! Scoffing people do that outside of the facility*)
Gordon(*you should chill your blood pressure is going high old man.. and also what is a 17 yr old doing here he's below 18 fucking idiots*)
Zachary(*nobody asked for your part dumbass*)
Jaimee(*let's settle down before we start throwing hands one fact about me Gordon is that I am 30 not 40 yrs old and you just going in and insulting us is quite vulgar using foul language and verbally harassing us is not leave*)
#Gordon left the room#
#Few moments later#
# A large shake and thud would alarm Jaimee and zachary, then the locked down sirens and alarms would go off, Jaimee cowering in fear would run to. The alerting console but in lit up and flames and tragically blew up and a shard entered his throat#
Zachary(*....SHIT SHIT SHITTT*)
#zachary would run to the vent and. Open it and then crawl through the Space zachary would see all of this facility gone to hell leaving him to tears#
Zachary(*it was my first day! Why?*)
#zach approached a cadaver with a 9mm pistol out of anger he snatched it and took off#
Zachary(*where else should I go?'s a whole maze*)
#Zachary would run into a frantic scientist#
Zachary(*I'm trying to open this door and it's expired?...*)
???(*HOW?....let me see*)
#the dude got it open, some how a bluecid appeared and trampled the man and started to rip him to shreds leaving him disfigured and grotesque,Zach would be gone in a minute#
Dark Aftermath (Zachary's story)(discontinued)
Science Fictionit's about a 17 teen yr old space elf man going through his life aging and experiencing unusual things.. (image by Art station) he is quite adventurous quirky and quick to learn he is also very smart when it comes to science ......