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"Are you going to be staying tonight Sanemi-kun?" You asked, seeing him jump slightly.

He turned to face you and shrugged. "Sure, I guess." He turned back towards the seeds.

You walked to the back of the shop, opened a well hidden door, and entered, returning a few minutes later. You looked around the shop, eventually making eye contact with Sanemi.

"Oh!" You chuckled. "Sanemi-kun, please come here. If you are going to be staying tonight, you will need to know where."

Sanemi was surprised, but he complied and followed you to the back room. Here, was a staircase that led to the home above the flower shop, and to the rooms that you barely used. Sanemi followed you up to the rooms.

Opening a door, you let Sanemi enter first.

"I am not sure if I have an extra futon, but if I do, I'll give it to you." You chuckled. "But please, wait here for a few minutes. I need to lock up the shop."

You hurried down the hall, Sanemi hearing your footfalls go down the steps. Only then did he look around the room.

It was a plain room, only a few shelves on the walls. No windows, and there was a small wooden closet in the corner.

Sanemi hummed, not sure on what to do. Was he supposed to sit, his shoes weren't off. It was rude to wear shoes inside a house. He scowled. Shit.

His ears picked up your footsteps, and he looked at the doorway.

"Uh, hi! So, I locked up the shop and I found an extra futon." You smiled. "Only now am I thankful for buying an extra one on accident."

You handed Sanemi his new futon, making sure to take off your shoes.

"Sorry. This room is now yours! I can ask one of my buddies to make you a key to the shop so you can get in whenever you want, I trust you since you feel safe." You left the room and bowed. "I'm not sure if you can sleep in those clothes, but I'll try and find some extra clothes laying around for you."

"I can sleep in those clothes. I've done it many times before." Sanemi said. You looked at him.

"I see. But I'll still try and find some. I don't want you to be uncomfortable." You waved and shut the door, picking up your shoes and running off to your own room.

Sanemi set up the futon and took off his own shoes, putting them outside his room. He assumed that candlelight was the only source of light, as he didn't see a light switch.

After finding a candle, he opened his door to look out the window that was large enough to go down the hallway. The moon was out, and Sanemi knew that you weren't going to leave your room.

"Damn demons." He whispered, putting on his shoes and leaving through the window.

🌸Falling Flowers🌸 || Sanemi ShinazugawaWhere stories live. Discover now