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(For this story Light and Charli share a bunk bed with Charli on the top bunk and light on the bottom (dont worry they have two bathrooms))
Charli POV
I wake up and stretch before climbing down the bunk bed ladder and see Light still asleep, I get onto the floor then look at Light's face he looks sick I feel his forehead, as soon as I touch his head I jump back he's burning up! I should go get a cold wet rag for his head I go downstairs and see Alex "Hey Alex" I say "Oh hello Charli" she replies "Light has a fever so he might not be able to be in videos and I want to take care of him" I tell her "Oh well I can tell the squad that you two are going to be out for a bit" she tells me "thank you" I say while wetting up a rag with cold water "bye Alex" I say "bye" she replies.

I get back into our room and put the rag on Light's forehead and I see him flinch from the cold "Light...Wake up" I whisper so I can get him to drink something (BTW she got water for Light while she was getting the rag) Light's eyes slowly open adjusting to the brightness of the room "C-Charli?" He says slowly "Light your sick you need to drink some thing" I reply giving him a glass as he sits up, I gently take the rag off his forehead and feel immediately bad as the rag was already hot even though it had only been on Light for a very short period of time, I look back at Light and see he's only drunk half the glass "Light do you want to take a cold shower to make your fever go down a bit?" I ask "sure" he replies and I help him out of bed, grabbing a shower stool so he can sit, and help him into the bathroom.

About 5 minutes later

Light stumbles out of the bathroom in his pajamas with his hair wet and I immediately shoot up and help him back to his bed "Light do you feel a bit better" I ask "not really" he replies looking not that much better "lay down I'll go get some tylenol" I say getting up and going downstairs, I see everyone else has gotten up and Alex is telling them Light's sick as I search through the cupboards for tylenol, I find it and put it in a little medicine cup and go back upstairs.

I see Light sitting on his bed and I give him the tylenol "thank you Charli" he says taking the glass of water off the nightstand and taking the medicine and drinking some water to wash down the taste *Charli hears knocking on the door* "I'll be right back Light" I say getting up to answer the door, I open the door and see Alex with a bunch of get well cards from the rest of the squad, I smile "I'll take them to Light tell them he says thank you" I say and gently take the cards "I will, bye" she replies "bye" I say and take the cards to Light, "Light you got some get well cards" I say and he smiles, then I realize Light must be starving "are you hungry Light?" I ask "a little why?" He replies "I'll go get you some food" I say "you don't have to do that! I'm ok" Light says but I ignore him and go to get some food for us, I get some pancakes that Alex made and get a plate for Light and myself and go back upstairs, when I get in the room I give Light a plate of food and go to sit at my desk and eat, I watch Light out of the corner of my eye and he looks.....grateful? I finish and get up and throw away my paper plate in the garbage by my desk and see Light did the same, I look at Light and see he's tired "Light get some rest" I say and he falls onto his pillow like he was waiting for me to say that, I gently tug the covers from under him and cover him up then feel his head then again jumping back from the heat of his forehead, then goes downstairs to greet the rest of the squad, I reach the living room and everyone looked at me "Wait aren't you taking care of Light" Sora says confused "Yes but he fell asleep after eating " I reply to Sora.

After half an hour Charli goes back upstairs

I walk into the room and hear vomiting sounds coming from Light's bathroom, I rush into his bathroom and see him throwing up in his toilet "LIGHT!!!" I yell and rush to his side, after he finished vomiting he stood up strait, looked at me weakly and fainted I caught him but was too weak to drag him back "HELP!!" I yell and everyone bursts into the bathroom and Jaxx takes Light off of me and brings him to his bed and I burst into tears "What happened?" Alex asks once I'm calmer"I-I went i-into the r-room and I h-heard Light throwing u-up so I went i-into t-the bathroom he f-finished throwing up and f-fainted" I say and everyone floods towards Light and I push through and feel his forehead and jump back "His forehead is more hot" I say worried "Don't worry the same thing happened to Levi when he was sick he just needs a lot of rest and a lot of water" Alex tells me "oh ok" I reply.

After a while everyone leaves and short after Light starts to wake up "Light! You scared me half to death" I say after he woke up "I'm sorry" he tells me "As long as your ok I'm fine" I tell him and he blushes faintly and smiles "I love you Charli did I ever tell you that " Light says "W-What?" I say feeling the blood rush to my face and I know I probably look like a tomato "D-Did I say that out loud?" Light asks becoming redder then Jaxx's hair "Dont worry Light I like you too" I reply fangirling inside because my crush likes me "I would kiss you but I think it would be better when I'm well" Light says looking disappointed "Awwww Lighty-pup it's ok" I say getting Light to blush at the nickname "I can't wait till I get to kiss you Char-bear" Light says making me blush "or should I call you baby" Light says again making me blush harder and I check the time "Hey babe I'm going to go get us some food it's time for lunch" I tell him and go to get some food.

"Babyyyyyyy I  missed youuuuuu" Light says as I get in the room with our food "But babe I was only gone for a minute" I say and Light looks at me "But I still missed you" Light says and takes his plate. Light's actions make me giggle "babyyyy your giggle is so cuteeee" Light coos "I can't wait till I can kiss your cute lips" Light says making me blush again "Your such a flirt Light" I say making Light look proud "My baby deserves attention which I am going to give" Light tells me and throws his empty plate away and I do the same "Babe you should get some rest" I tell him but he pouts "But then I won't be able to see your beautiful face" Light says as he pouts "But it will help you feel better and then you can kiss me" I say and as soon as I said kiss he laid down "I want your kisses as soon as possible" Light says before falling asleep. I squeal then run downstairs to the living room where the rest of the squad is "Guys!!!!! Me and Light are together now!" I squeal and the squad congratulates me.

20 minutes later

I go back upstairs to check on Light with a glass of water and I see him just waking up "Hi babe" I say and he looks very happy hearing my voice "Babyyyyyyy hiiiiiii" Light says "Hiiiiiiii" I reply back and go to feel his head and it's not as hot as it had previously been but still quite hot "Babe drink some water" I say and give him the glass and he drinks it

Time skip

"Babe you need to drink some water now" I say while trying to get Light to drink some water "But I'm not thirsty" Light complains "Pleaseeeee~ For me" I coo "Fine" Light sighs and drinks the contents of the glass and puts it on the nightstand "Do you want to play Uno or something?" I ask *SLAM* me and Light jump in surprise as Sora busts through the door "We called Luca he's here" Sora says "Hey Light and Charli" Luca says "Lucaaaaa!" I exclaim as Light waves, I get up and give Luca a hug "Soooo Charli how have you been" Luca asks looking at Light forgetting Light was sick and getting kinda confused when Light only looked a little bothered "Great! Me and Light got together and I'm sooooooo happy!" I squeal as Luca looks confused and Sora leaves the room (Luca:⊙👄⊙
Charli: 😀
Light: ➖👄➖
Sora:                  )
"That's amazing Charli! I'm so happy for you!" Luca exclaims as I realize something "Luca how about you go hang out with Levi I would love to hang out with you but I don't think it is a very good idea for you to be in here when Light's sick, plus I need to take care of him, Sorry" I say "Oh ya I'll leave you two be, Bye!" He waves and walks out and in the distance we can hear him scream "LEVIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Which makes me and Light laugh

A few days later

I wake up and stretch and a pair of arms lift me off my bunk and hug me "Guess who gets to kiss you~" Light says and kisses me,  I feel butterflies flutter around in my stomach and I kiss back.
After a few minutes we pull away from each other "Somebody's feeling better" I say a bit too loud"Mhm" Light responds before kissing me again, *snap* we pull away and see Alex who's room is right next to ours "Crap" I mumble under my breath as Light starts to chase after Alex, screaming "DELETE THE PHOTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Thank you for reading this part oneshot, remember you are amazing in every way no matter who says different just remember people including me care about you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Word count: 1825 words

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