🐿 Squirrels 🐿

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Context: Charli is feeling terrible on her time of the month and Light has a bright idea to make her feel better (kinda rushed sorry(also sorry it's short))

Charli POV
My hands gripped the fluffy Chippi plush as I laid on my side and a bad cramp decided to show up I should probably get some ibuprofen... I think to myself before getting up, and painfully walking to the door. Once I take the medicine I climb up the stairs back into my room.

Light POV
I watch out of the corner of my eye as Charli climbs back up the stairs after taking an ibuprofen, and I feel bad. What can I do to make her feel better?
A few thoughts come and go through my mind before a golden idea presents itself in all it's beauty and I can't bring myself to push it out, so I get up and leave the squad house to bring this idea to life.

Time skip brought to you by my incredible laziness

Charli POV
I was scrolling through my phone before I got interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in!" I exclaim and after given permission from me Light walks through the door  cradling something "I have a surprise for you! So close your eyes." Light says and walks over and as requested, I close my eyes "Hold your hands out, and once I place it in your hands, open your eyes!" Light requests and I comply and hold my hands out and something soft is placed on them, so I open my eyes and see the best surprise anyone has ever given me, a little sleeping baby squirrel "Oh.. My.. God! It's so cute! Thank you so so sooo much!" I squeal and hug Light "It's a proper pet squirrel, no rabies, no infection, not aggressive, and she's ready to be loved!" Light tells me and I hug the little baby squirrel gently "I'm going to name her Peanut!" I softly squeal and hug Light once again.

Thank you for reading this part oneshot, remember you are amazing in every way no matter who says different just remember people including me care about you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Word count: 372 words

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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