ch 2 | new school

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I pulled my hair into a high ponytail with shorter strands of hair falling around my face. The uniform comprised of a white shirt, short black skirt with knee-high stockings and a cute black ribbon that complimented it. stuffing a slice of bread in my mouth, I rushed downstairs,

"I'm heading off, bye mom!"

"Bye, dear. Good luck with your first day"

I patted the ground with my feet, slightly jumping as i walked

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I patted the ground with my feet, slightly jumping as i walked. not really something a 15 y/o would do. I finally reached the gates of my new school, students were passing by, a sleepy guard yawned as i showed him my id. 

I lowered my gaze to check my uniform one last time to see if it was proper, and just in the one second, I freaking had to bump into someone-

"Sorry!!!", I screamed as I had stepped on his feet. I looked around to see the impact of my scream- a blonde girl with freckles looking at me like an alien and an annoyed sleepy guy as if I had woken him up from his deep slumber.

"What the- your scream is doing more damage than your damn leg", he moved two steps away from me, his face finally being visible.

Wait, I know this Ikemen,

"Your name's Hatz right?"

"How do you know?", he looked at me in the most scornful manner

"Through Endorsi, I'm her friend"

"Oh yeah, she did mention once I guess..."

"Yeah, by the way, call me (Y/N)"


"omg you are in 1-A too?!! that's great, now this bestie pair will set the stage on fire", a certain brunette exclaimed.

A small black sign reading 1-A indicated that I had reached my classroom. The teacher was already there when I and Hatz walked in. I side-glanced all my classmates and suddenly my eyes met his; blue as the ocean. I felt a slight warmness in the side of my cheeks, and I looked away only to see Endorsi waving at me,

"This is your new classmate, (Y/N) (L/N)", the teacher introduced me.

"Nice to meet you all", I gave a close-eyed smile.

and as cliché as it can get, I was made to sit beside Khun Aguero Agnes. I walked towards my seat while passing by Endorsi,

"Aye aye, good to see him, isn't it (Y/N)?", she whispered.

"Shut up", I rolled over my eyes at her.

I took my seat, hanging the school bag on the side hook of the bench. I didn't expect everything to go this smoothly. and my heart is literally going to jump out of my chest~

"Okay then, now that the introductions are over, lets begin the class!", Mr Lero Ro hand-clapped.

I side-glanced one last time at Khun before averting my eyes to the blackboard. 

"Seriously the first period is history!?"

"What a great way to start the day", someone sighed.

I realized that I hadn't brought my history book so I took it up as an opportunity to strike up a conversation with my beloved.

I tilted my head to face him.

"Um... do you mind sharing the book... with me?" Why did i have to stutter!? Fuck my nervousness.

"Yeah it's fine", he didn't even look at me and shifted the book towards my side.

Aw that's cold.

"What?", he finally looked at me raising a brow.

"Wait, did I just say that aloud-", I turned my head away in embarrassment. "Sorry I didn't mean it...". What are you doing girl!??

"Its okay, don't worry", he gave a wry smile.

I eased myself and stretched my hands on the desk.

"So what school did you come from (y/n)?", his voice sure sounds angelic especially hearing my name from that pretty mouth of his- focus (Y/N), don't be distracted; this is just the first day!

"Hidaka Junior High", I replied. 

"Oh, my cousin goes to that school as well"

"Same age?"

"Nah, he's a bit younger"

"I see-", I was about to continue when i got cut off by Mr. Lero Ro saying,

"Drop by the staff room during the break; we will need to discuss about your club, (y/n)"

"Sure Mr. Lero Ro"

Time flew by and Khun wasn't really that cold; we chatted for quite more than I expected. During the 3rd period, This Shibisu guy also talked to me and was totally head over heels for me- haha.

 I have already started liking this school a lot.

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