🕸🧹𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱<3💚🥑

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((Oneshot for -ryujinluvr Ty for the request and enjoy! <3))

Little- Kirumi (age 3)
Cg: Rantaro
Non killing game au


The worst part of being the ultimate maid? All of the work that came with it. Twenty four seven. Especially with exams coming up. Regressing wasn't and option and hasn't been for a month, therefore she continued this unhealthy habit, working her self so close to her breaking point each and every time. But someone was bound to take notice sooner or later right? Correct. Her caregiver definitely noticed something was off. He knew she didn't regress all of the time but holding it back and pushing everything that involves it away then working yourself to death definitely wasn't a good thing. Especially for months at a time.


So with that, after school Amami softly knocked on her door. "Come in" she spoke calmly and confidently. "Hey, are you feeling alright? You've seemed off lately" "me? Off? I'm just fine, but I do thank you for worrying" as expected she kept up the stupid facade. "If you say so" she knew he was right. She knew this wasn't healthy. Mentally nor physically. "If that's the case, care to join me, Kiibo, Miu, himiko, and Korekiyo for something to eat?" Oh dear, she wanted to go but she just knew. This would be where she broke. But she still kept with it. "I'd love to, just give me a moment" he nodded walking outside and giving the girl a chance to change. Soon she walked out, locking the door behind her and they were on their way to the small cafe kiibo had picked out, even though he couldn't eat anyways. He just thought the scenery was nice.


And so they all chatted and got coffees and small snacks. It was nice other than all of the inappropriate jokes that came out of Irumas mouth every three minutes. Each making the Tojo girl a bit more uncomfortable each time. "Uhm Kerumi?"
She'd zoned out and now kiibo was trying to bring her back to earth. "Ah, yes. My apologies I got a bit distracted there..." yeah something was definitely off. "Can we talk for a sec?" Rantaro looked at the ultimate maid dead in the eye but in a caring sort of way. "Excuse us" and so they walked out side. Then and there she broke down into tears. "Hey hey...little one...how about we get home so we can watch some movies and you can tell Taro what's wrong" "Kay Kay.." the girl nodded and they hurried there.


They reached the dorm and the waterworks started again. "Taro I sowwy" she sniffled and cried. "Shhh..it's alright" "not mwad?" "Of corse not" he rubbed circles on her back as her tears slowed down and she was stable. "Uhm Taro? We watch Ella'?" The now toddler abbreviated the name of the classic movie Cinderella and honestly it was too cute for this world, at least that's what the green haired male beside her thought. "Of corse princess, would you like to change into something comfy first?" "Yes pwease" "do you need help?" "Nu uh" she changed in the bathroom and by that time the movie and her sippycup awaited her. "Now are we ready?" "Mhm...." She spoke, clearly tired as she sipped her juice and cuddled with all of her stuffies, feeling better with just that...

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