Bad Timing

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Imagine. Imagine me: ten years older, curvier figure, breasts a bit more fuller, and hair maybe a bit more longer...or perhaps tapered.

Imagine. Imagine me: voice a little sultrier, confidence a bit more stronger, and mind a bit more wiser.

You'll see me and say, "wow, this is the girl that used to look away whenever I talked to her, she was always so shy...but when we made eye contact, I could never forget those bright, doe expressive, so lively, so...young."

But you'll realize that that 19 year old girl has transformed into a woman, yes, even after you made her one that passionate night back in...well, you know when.

You'll say, "Damn, if only I would've...."

Would've what? Accepted the fact that I loved you like I would've loved my father?

Accepted the fact that I cared for you like my own brother?

Accepted the fact that even though I was young, I felt my heart caving in at the sight of you, aching to be touched, aching to be loved...

By you.

Even after all of those years going by, I still yearn to be loved and felt by you.

Imagine. Imagine me saying everything I've never told you, but also reminding you that I am no longer that 19-year-old girl with awkward tendencies and fickle confidence,

That I am a woman...even though you've discovered that before anyone else, a woman who has matured mentally, emotionally, and physically,

Imagine. Imagine us, looking into each other's eyes, seeing the past, and glancing at the present.

I see the gray speckled in your beard, but the years have still been good to you,

I see those eyes, and I feel my heart caving all over again...

Just imagine.

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