rip that 😼 ayeeee

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(A/N this is a sort of short story, smut, one-shot. add suggestions in the comments, and let me know if i should make this a book!!)

I twisted and turned uncomfortably in my bed, unable to sleep. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 2:38 a.m. Great. With school starting in just five and a half hours, this is exactly what I need.

     I'm still not convinced that going to school is necessary. It's not like we're staying here indefinitely; we're not even unpacking half of the boxes. We haven't found my... coven? That's what I believe it's called. Nyla's grandmother is probably not the best research source. I believe she utilizes a different kind of witchcraft than I do, because she uses herbs and spells, but I just make balls of black energy in my hand that I can hardly control. I did, however, transfer many pens across the room at once the other day, which is an improvement. Maybe I'd be more skilled if Nyla's grandmother didn't detest me.

     I'm still perplexed as to why she dislikes me. It's not as if she yells 'I hate you' and slaps me across the face, but she's constantly tense around me and never comes close to me. But she makes excellent cookies for me and Nyla, so it's possible she doesn't completely despise me. I wish I hadn't eaten the cookies she gave us before we left, I could really use one right now.

I groaned and rubbed my hands over my face before reaching over and turning on the lamp on my nightstand. I wiped my eyes to acclimate to the bright light. After my eyes had adjusted, I peered around the room to find a boy my age, maybe a year younger, seated in the desk chair against the wall opposite me. I was terrified for a brief moment, but then I remembered my magic and calmed myself.

He was facing me with his legs slightly spread apart and his hands in his lap, looking at me with zero indication of what he was thinking or feeling. He had messy, dark brown hair, with a pale complexion and dark bags under his eyes. His face was thin, high cheekbones and a defined jawline, and he had beautiful honey brown eyes. The corner of his mouth tipped up into a small smirk as I stared.

He seemed... dark somehow. I couldn't see any weapons on him yet he still seemed threatening, dangerous. I kept my blanket wrapped around me as I sat with my legs criss crossed, facing the attractive boy.

"Who are you?" I demanded, voice hoarse and dry from sleep.

He didn't answer, just stared at me with wonder and curiosity in his eyes.

"I said, who are you?" I spoke louder this time, and I felt my hand tingle as I prepared myself for a fight.

"You're not from here," he said, voice deep and raspy.

I wrinkled my brows, unsure of what he was trying to say. "I just moved here, if that's what you're saying."

He shook his head. "Your energy is different than anything else I've felt in this town. It's... foreign."

My energy? Is he magic, too? I reached for my phone next to me so I could text Nyla's grandma.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he warned, somewhat amused.

I stopped reaching for my phone, but didn't take my hand away.

"Why not?" I challenged. He quirked an eyebrow, eyes taking on a dangerous glint.

"Because I have Oni in your friend's room, ready to kill her-"

"Them," I interrupted with a glare.

He narrowed his eyes. "Ready to kill them at any moment."

     I tensed, but I didn't move my hand. He stared expectantly at my still hand before returning his gaze to me.

The Monster In My Room ~ Void StilesWhere stories live. Discover now