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"Why are you!-...babe!"

Zhan glare at the girl 'Babe?'. The girl was about to hug yibo but yibo push her away "What do you want..Mei?" he ask in cold voice

"Are you still angry-"

"We break up months ago why do you need to bother me?"

"But-.....Mr. Xiao Zhan! Oh my I'm a big fan!" the girl said as she went closer at zhan

Zhan fake his smile when he heard the girl said "I say your really rich, and still single~"

Yibo just watch the girl being flirty but he don't want to disturb because he wants to know how zhan will handle this girl

"Yes dear. I'm single" then zhan hold the girl's chin "And i have a lot of money" the girl was smiling

Then zhan said "That i could use to...slap on your face." he then aggressively let go mei

Yibo smirk and pull zhan closer "Bye Slut." yibo said on a deep voice

They left the restaurant and decide to go back they had just ordered some pizza.

"I didn't know that my bestfriends are in a relationship, did you know how it happened?"

"Ohhh yeah remember your photoshoot earlier. We just wait on the waiting room, then after a minutes you saw uhh...jiyang yes that boy, sitting on..xuan's lap"

"You did that? Pfft hahaha that's great i mean I've been shipping those two"

Then the two was laughing and chatting.

After that they went to bed but before zhan close his eyes. Yibo kiss him "Time for medicine~" zhan just blush and they continue the kiss

"Haa..haa..ok that's enough" zhan said trying to push yibo "Ok bun" then yibo laid down and close his eyes following by zhan

"Bye **** I'm going home now" 
"Ok take care ****"

"**** let's go now!"

"Give me a hug first"
"Ok **** •hug•"

"Ok mom, dad let's go now"
"Buckle up!"

•Continue on driving•

"Ahh! The truck!"
"Hun becareful! On driving!"



Zhan suddenly got up and keep panting "Ha..haa...what kind of dream is that.." he looks at yibo that sleeping peacfully

"*sigh* i better go back sleeping" he then laid down and close his eyes then yibo hug him from behind

Zhan was blushing so hard but keep himself calm.


After that one week zhan was starting to cured a little but then yibo need to go back now, but still they keep hanging out

Every months they will go out and hang out and everyday zhan got invited at yibo's house then they do their kiss. Then finally zhan was fully recovered

It was always a happy day for zhan but until one day..

"Zhan you need to distant yourself at yibo..." the mother said with a sad face


"The picture of you two hanging out was on media and the comments said that you are gay....this might be ruin your career"

"B-but...ok..can i atleast go on him today just today.." he said as his voice starts to crack

The mother nod and zhan went out to go to yibo's house "Zhan!" yibo suddenly hug him..

Then zhan gave him a fake smile, they went to the living room and sat on the sofa "So what brings you here?" yibo ask with a cheerful voice

"I-i just want-"

Then yibo suddenly stop him by his hand "Umm zhan...can i be your boyfriend?, i really like you since we met..."

Zhan was blushing but getting gloomy "Sorry yibo...we need to cut our ties now we should stop hanging out.."

Yibo's happy face turn into sad but still he keeps on smiling so zhan won't notice.."Oh..haha..ok then i should go back at my room i forgot that i need to do something"

Yibo run upstairs while zhan crying downstairs "Dear i know it's hard" someone said that made zhan to look up

It was yibo's mother "I know that you two love eachother but you need to let him go because of the peoples getting on your way....zhan you better think wisely.."

Zhan got up and bowed "Ok ma'am. I should be going now" zhan excuse himself then quickly went to his house

"Are you not having lunch?"

"No mom, I'm not hungry." then he went to his own bedroom

He takes a long shower and as he was showering he was crying, all he can do was cry. After that he went to his bed

"I'm so lonely right now.." he said as he keep looking at the side of the bed. Then finally he fall asleep


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