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"Sir!" A voice called. "Sir! We have a problem!"

A pokemon tore his gaze away from his watching orb and focused his gaze on the high pitched voice coming in his direction.

"What is it Thunder?" The pokemon questioned.

The pokemon extended her gliders and floated up to the pokemons level on a fan breeze.

"It's the electric types!" She held up a small, holographic screen. There was a percentage on it, but the 70% was speedily going down until it reached 53%. "Their numbers are rapidly going down!"

The pokemon gasped. "Arceus help us."

It was only then when I realized she was shaking. "Raikou?" She whispered.

"What do you need?" He asked gently.

"I'm scared, Raikou. Really scared."

"It's okay, little one. It's okay."

"B-but what if they all go extinct?

"I won't let that happen." Raikou gave her a quick lick on the cheek. "We may not have that many left of us, but we have what the dark types don't have."

Emolga sniffed, then wiped her eyes. "What's that?"

"We have Arceus blessing."
Hello guys!
If you knew me before, I am previously RubyIsGem !
So, how'd you like the prologue?
Hey, don't blame me for the prologue being short.
ALL the chapters will be longer this time!
Oh, and I'm entering this in the Pokemon Watty Awards :3
Stay tuned 🔊

Electra (PokemonWattyAwards2015)Where stories live. Discover now