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TW: car crash, hospital

I remember when we used to be happy, when our love was unconditional,, I remember we went on a road trip, it was a peaceful and quiet night, my mother was asleep in the front seat while I was playing on my iPad. "Son you have to go to sleep, it's getting really late," my father had said "but dad I don't want to leave you alone!" My childish voice pierced through the small veichale, I could hear my dad let out a low giggle as he kept driving. That's when it happened, a flash of light and we were driven off the road.
I awoke in a bright room laying in a small white bed, I reached up to notice a bandage wrapped around my skull and how it stung when I touched it, tears started to well up in my small 5 year old eyes; a mixture of pain and being terrified. I called out for my parents with a pleading sob. A man dressed in a white coat with short brown hair had walked in, he looked down at me with hazel eyes and a small smile plastered on his pale appearance, he walked over to my bed and sat on a small chair near by "so how do you feel Katsuki," he spoke, a couple of tears slipped pass my lashes and landed on my arms I looked down trying to avoid the mans gaze. "Where, where am I mister?" I quietly said, I looked back at the man his smile had slowly faded, "you're in the hospital Katsuki." My eyes shot wide, so many questions running through my head, I couldn't think straight, I started to panic and grab onto my arms in a hugging style.
A flash of memories started coming back. The car was flipped over at the side of the road, "daddy? Mommy?" I called my father had his eyes slightly open as he looked at me with a sad smile, "daddy!" Relief washed over me seeing that he was alive, his smile started to fade as his eyes closed, "no no no daddy come on you have to wake up we have to find mommy come on get up! Please.." I small sob escaped my lips. I looked to wear my mother was sitting, she had gotten out of the car already, I shaker my dads arm again and tried to drag him out, I wasn't strong enough I could barely move him more than an inch, more tears started streaming down my face. I felt a strong pair of hands wrap around my wrist and pull me out of the car, I tried kicking and fighting against the force pulling me away from my hurt father, my mother finally got me out and pulled me into a tight embrace, we stayed there road sobbing into each others arms until the ambulance got there.
I sat up more as the man looked back at me "your mother will come to see you in a bit but you should get some rest, you had a long night" he spoke carrying me away from my dazed dreams, I nod and lay back down I hear the man sigh as the door shuts behind him. My eyes start to slowly close as I drift off into a peaceful sleep.

A/N: I'm really sorry if this is bad ;-; I suck at putting my thoughts into words and I'm a terrible writer so Um here you go :,)

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