Bye Jungkook

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Me and jungkook act like nothing happened at all we're a happy cheesy loving couple and yes i finally get to be in his arms again it makes me happy ofc i'm never going to forget what jungkook did to me but i try not to think about it

Me and jungkook made up the design that were not ready for kids yet but anyways sadly jungkook has to go on tour again which means i'm going to be alone for 1 month today is the day jungkook's leaving and yes we did cuddle really nicely last night and this morning

We both bring all of his things to the front and I look at him with tears in my eyes. 

Y/n: I'm going to miss you 

Jungkook: I'm going to miss you too y/n-ah one month is too long...but dont cry mk?

y/n: i can't promise that sorry

U hugged him tight and he hugged you back and kissed your soft lips and you kissed back you guys kissed for 2 min before his phone rang it was jin


Jin: hurry up we're outside

Jungkook: Sorry jin hyung

Jin: see you soon

Jungkook: mhm


Y/n gave jungkook a last hug and glance before jungkook leave

Jungkook: Bye babe i'll see you soon and when i have the time imma call u ok?

Y/n: O-ok...bye love u

Jungkook love you too

After jungkook left you started to cry cuz you already miss him

After 3 minutes if crying you get a call from Jude asking if you want to go get food and you respond with


Jude: hahaha ok i'll be there soon if you're not dressed idc you're going like that ok?

Y/n" YAHHH ok fine love u bye

Jude: love you too

Hang up

I got dressed and wore this:

cuz jude send me which restaurant were going to and you can't wear pants a tshirt jude finally got here 10 min after i was done getting ready and i took a pic of myself and posted it on ista and then i went to go the door and opened it to see jude...

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cuz jude send me which restaurant were going to and you can't wear pants a tshirt jude finally got here 10 min after i was done getting ready and i took a pic of myself and posted it on ista and then i went to go the door and opened it to see jude looking really pretty

Y/n:Jude you look so good omg

Jude: Thank you!! Ok lets go or were going to be late and im really hungry

Y/n: *laughs* ok let's go....oh wait let me grab my phone i'll meet u at the car

Jude: hurry 

I went to get my phone i picked it up and i have some notifications from insta i was reading the comments and i came across jungkook's witch says

"Damn my babe is looking amazing without me" i liked it and reposed with "i bet your also looking hot af without me too <3"

I was reading the comments until i came across another one witch said

"Ohhhh sh*ttt you look really good can't wait to see you" i was confused af it wasnt judes account and only me and jude are going to the restaurant but i came back to reality and ran to judes car she looked mad..

Y/n: Jude i'm sorry took so long 

Jude: Im soo hungry and ur making me wait how mean

Y/l: *laughs* your so cute

Jude: No im not

Y/n: yes u are

Jude: Wtv

We reach the restaurant and sat down but i could feel someone's eyes on me from behind i didn't bother to look so i don't attract anything i just talked to jude and we ate our amazing food

 after we were done we were just talking for bit and getting dessert until i felt someone's hand on my shoulder i look up to see a man in his 20s staring at me with a smile looking down at me

I pushed his hand from my shoulder and said

y/n: May I help you?

??: Yea can u help me by being mine?

Y/n: sorry i married

??: Jungkook doesn't have to know

Y/n: How do u know that's his name...?

??: im that guy from insta

Y/n: Please leave me alone im not interested im really happy with my marriage and i'm not looking for anyone else

Jude: Um Mr If you don't leave Y/n alone right now im going to call secerity 

???: Y/n please think about it here's my number

He slide a piece of paper with a number on it i just looked at it weird and i wanted to show jungkook it so i kept it

Jude dropped me off at my house and i went upstairs to change when suddenly i heard the doorbell ring so i went to go see who it was and it was the guy i saw at the reserount he came in and held my waist and put me against the wall

*Im my head* no please not again please no

He started to harshly kiss me and i started to push him away but the he took my hands and put them above my and joined them to the wall i didn't even know who he was or where he came from as he was still harshly kissing me i started to cry from the pain and the fact that someone can do this to someone i tried to scream but i couldn't suddenly i could hear someone running in i heard someone's voice i think it was jungkooks but it woud be impossible


I suddenly passed out from the pain

I woke up in my bed with someone holding my hand. My vision wasnt so clear so I waited a bit for it to adjust when it did i saw...JUNGKOOK????

Jungkook: Babe!! Im so sorry for leaving you!!

Y/n: JUNGKOOK!!!!!!!!

 jungkook smiled and hugged her

Y/n: Why arnt you performing? Why are you still here?

Jungkook: Your making it sound like a bad thing!! 

Y.n: it kind of is

Jungkook: But what would of happend to my baby if i didnt come 

Y/n: i-....i dont know...But how did you kno wi needed help..

jungkook: When i was commenting in your post i saw the comment saying that hes exsited to hangout with you so i thought-

Y/n: No...jungkook you did think i would cheat on you..?

Jungkook: I mean i trust you dont get me wrong but- just in case you know..?

Y/n: I-..ok...Jungkook-ah you should prob get going now..

Jungkook: Nope im not going to go for this world tour...Im sick see *fake cough* 

Y/n: Jungkook your fans are going to be so dissapointed 

Jungkook: I dont care as long as im with you 


Sorry it took a long time for me to post, I was really busy. I hope you can understand.

I also wanted to say how this story went down to 88th place from 59th place. Hopefuly we can get it back up again!! 

Thank you for reading Bye!!

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