Part 42 Shocking Realization

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Chapter 41: Shocking Realization

After leaving the train, I set off walking at a brisk pace. I was so ready to figure out all this crap. I’d waited long enough. Now it was time for the big reveal.

            My messenger's voice continued.

            “Turn right on Cut Throat Avenue. The number is two-zero-one. It’s the big red house on the corner. You can’t miss it. Don’t worry about knocking, the front door is open. You’ve worked long and hard for this very special moment, and I’m honored to reveal it to you. Come on inside, Janice.”

            I’d also grown tired of all his weird pep talk. I turned the corner of a narrow, tree-lined street and saw an old, two story house with the number 201 on the front. Making my way past the dense trees that occupied the front yard, I stepped onto the porch feeling pretty creeped out. Just in case, I grabbed a stake from my belt for protection. If this turned out to be one big joke, there would be bloody hell to pay.

            Immediately inside the house was a dark hallway, so dark that I could barely see a thing in front of me. The familiar, haunting voice spoke again.

            “I wanted the journey of knowing to be difficult and challenging for you, Janice. I enjoyed seeing you grow from a confused young vampire into a brave and mature one. And I’m sure you have benefited from the challenges in other ways as well. Now take the second door to your right. There you’ll enter the living room and complete your remarkable transformation to maturity and knowing.”

            I gawked at the door he was speaking about. After taking a deep breath, I turned the skull-shaped knob and cautiously walked through.

            I was in some kind of gloomy room with a high ceiling. I couldn’t see the walls, or my secret stranger. A white stage light set on the floor was pointing to the high ceiling. It illuminated a magnificent chandelier.

            “Where the hell are you?” I demanded. “Show yourself!”

            There was nothing. Growing ever more frustrated, my fangs jutted out.

            Then he spoke, and this time it was not though the orb. He was here in the room with me. “Patience has been your virtue, Janice. Behold your reward.”

            The stage light switched direction. Now it was shining on a giant globe of the blue planet I'd first seen in the hidden room at the observatory. I took in all its marvelous detail - the green land areas shaped like puzzle pieces - the swirls of white clouds - and all the blue stuff, whatever the hell that was.

            “Janice, this is the first major secret that was revealed. What you are looking at is a real planet called Earth.”

            I frowned. Earth? Earth? The name sounded eerily familiar.

            “You may be surprised and enlightened to know that Earth is your real home. Vampire World is not.”

            I found this hard to believe. And my messenger read my mind precisely.

            “I know this may come as confusing to you. But once you see the truths behind the second and third major secrets you discovered, then you’ll understand.”

            The stage light rotated sideways, now illuminating a television screen mounted on the wall.

            “The second major task involved you discovering two things.”

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