A Terrible Curse

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Before I start I would like to say though I didn't just copy your story, I did get the Idea from lightninggirl15, so everyone give her congratulations first and foremost.

A long long time ago, in a land far away lived the good king cliff and the kind and gentle queen Libia. They were kind and beloved and had everything they could ever want, but a child. 

Soon, a baby boy was born, and they named him Jay, after his blue eyes. The entire kingdom was in celebration and when the baby was 10 days old  his christening cerrimony took place. 

The subjects of the kingdom paraded through the streets, cheering their prince.

Chorus: Joyfully now to our prince we will come

Bringing gifts and all good wishes too
We pledge our loyalty anew
Hail to the Prince Jay our dear one
All of his subjects adore him

Hail to the King, hail to the Queen
Hail to the Prince Jay our dear one
Health to the Prince
Wealth to the Prince
Long live the Prince Jay our dear one
Hail Jay our dear one, hail Jay our dear one,
Health to the Prince
Wealth to the Prince
Long live the Prince Jay our dear one
Hail to the King, hail to the Queen

Hail to the Prince Jay our dear one

After the parade, everyone gathered at the palace, and the neighbooring kingdoms royal family was there, with 1 yr old princess Nya and 3 yr old prince Kai. The two royal families decided that Nya and Jay would be betrothed.

 The 1 yr old toddled over to the crib and gave him her gift while Kai made disgusted faces. After that, 3 elemental masters arrived to give the child one gift each. 

The master of ice went first. "Dear Prince Jay, I will give you the gift of kindness."

Chorus: One gift, charity rare,

Gold of sunshine in his air,
dimples that shame the red, red rose,
he'll walk with springtime wherever he goes

Wu went next, "Brave little prince," he said to the baby. "I give you the gift of song, ignoring Garmadon's laughter at the younger brother's choice of gift.

Chorus: One gift, the gift of song,

Melody his whole life long!
The nightingale's his troubadour,

Bringing his sweet serenade to his door 

Looking around, Garmadon realized it was his turn. He was not sure of what to give, but he started, "Dear little Prince, I think I will give you..  

 But Garmadon was cut off when in a puff of orange smoke, appeared Nadakhan. Everyone gasped at the uninvited guest. "Hmmm" The djin said surveying the room.

 "It seems you all need to learn a lesson in manners, I think I will give a gift to the child." 

There were shouts of "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" and all three elemental masters + the child's parents stood protectively in front of the crib.

 "Well," Nadakhan said. "On the prince's 14th birthday he will prick his finger on a spinning wheel and die!!!" "Seize that creature!" demanded King Cliff. 

But Nadakhan teleported away before the soldiers could get close enough.

 A very heavy despair fell over the room at that moment, but Garmadon stepped forward, I still have my gift. "Then you can reverse the curse?" Queen Libia asks excitedly but Wu shook his head.

 I'm afraid not, but he can soften it. Garmadon stepped up to the crib and announced, "When Jay pricks his finger, he will not perish, but fall into a deep sleep, and will only be awakened by true loves kiss.

Chorus: For true love conquers all

And then it was set and the story began.

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