Chapter 2: The Leauge Of Villains...And...Love?

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It was the next day already and I was walking through the halls to the classroom with everyone staring at me and it felt kinda weird until Mina came running up from behind jumping on me laughing "Good morning Mina how are you doing today?" I asked laughing as I smiled at her kindly, "I'm doing good, and don't worry about others, they are just jealous you look so cool!" Mina said kindly as we walked into the classroom and sat down, everyone walked over saying good morning to me except Katsuki of course, today Aizawa decided we would go to the gym and train our quirks and so that is where we all went, I stood there by Aizawa for a bit watching everyone train as I was nervous to train since I never used my new quirk as I was from another world without quirks, "Get going and train" Aizawa said looking at me so I nodded and stepped a few feet away as my black wings quickly formed and I took a deep breath in starting to fly up  getting used to the way my wings worked, I flew down over Denki smiling as I looked at him "Hey can you try and shoot me with your quirk, I need to practice doing while in the air" I asked softly as I smiled looking at him he kindly agreed as started shooting electricity at me as I flew around dodging it rather easily, I noticed Denki starting to shortcircuit so I flew down quickly to him "Sorry Denki here let me help you" I said apologizing as I put my hand over his head as it glowed and he was back to normal "Woah! That's awesome Iyashino!" he shouted excited as he jumped up, I smiled laughing a bit before stopping my jackal ears perking up as they started turning and twitching listening "Somethings wrong......"I said suddenly flying down to Aizawa "What is it, kid?" Aizawa said as I had a look of worry on my face, "Somethings wrong I can hear-"I started to speak just as a huge explosion occurred and the alarms started going off, the villains were attacking "Villains! Stay here don't go anywhere!" shouted Aizawa as he ran out to go help the teachers fight the villains, I started looking around quickly, all my senses on high alert as the alarms are going off. I look around before I notice the door slowly opening and as it flys open I quickly fly up just barely avoiding a flood of blue flames. I land my wings extended as I stare down The LOV as they stood in the doorway "Kurogiri who is that, I don't remember her being in 1-A." said Shigaraki as he stared at me, everyone standing about 25ft behind me watched as they were ready to fight, "Do NOT engage unless they attack!" I shouted to them my tail swaying quickly as my claws glowed a bit. I sighed a bit and stood up normally looking at them my mood going from being ready to fight to as calm as can be. "Why do you keep working for him when he doesn't give two shits about what happens to you, he is only using you," I said calmly as everyone seemed shocked at what I was saying "Don't lower your guard they are villains!!" shouted Kirishima, Shigaraki started walking towards me seeming almost irritated but I stood my ground "IYASHINO MOVE!" shouted the others coming towards me, "You don't know anything! Your just a kid, We will take down all the heroes cause-"Shigaraki said as he held his hand up about to grab my neck just as I moved my hand making a barrier to stop the others from attacking Shigaraki as I interrupted him "Cause your in pain that no hero came to save any of you?" I said suddenly my tone soft and gentle, Shigaraki suddenly stopped at my words as he took his hand away from my neck as I hit a nerve, everyone watched in shock as I showed no fear or hostility towards Shigaraki, "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT STOP STANDING THERE AND MOVE" the others screamed trying to break the barrier I put up but they couldn't, The LOV watched in shock as I looked Shigaraki in the eyes, "I know the truth about all of you.....including you.....Tenko...." I said smiling softly as Shigaraki started stepping back, Kurogiri made a portal as the heroes started to show up "Dabi take her and let's go......" Shigaraki said walking through the portal, knowing that I needed to act I pretended to be scared as Dabi grabbed me threatening my life as he pulled me through the portal, putting my barrier down I smiled at the others before losing sight and passing out. When I woke up I was tied up as Shigaraki and Dabi  stood in front of me starring "Alright who the hell are you and how do you know that name?" Shigaraki shouted looking at me, I smiled gently and looked at him my eyes gentle and kind "I am Iyashino Ikari and I know many things, my dear Tenko Shimura....And you shouldn't blame yourself for their deaths, you were a kid that was scared it is not your fault" I said softly as he showed me his face that was filled with shock and pain, "Untie her now......." he said quickly, the others seeming confused as toga untied me, "What is she talking about?" shouted Dabi as he was about to burn me, I turned to him and sighed calmly "It hurts having constant reminders of your father doesn't it Touya...." I said standing calmly my wings vanishing as both Dabi and Shigaraki stared at me, with a smile I walked up to Shigaraki and hugged him " You don't have to be scared of killing me, you won't I promise...... Come here Touya I know you just wanted his love and acceptance" I spoke softly as Shigaraki hugged back his quirk not doing anything just as Dabi came over and hugged me as well, both of them crying as I comforted them having acknowledging their pain. It has been 2 years since then and the 2 of them have gotten closer to me and quite protective. Anytime Toga asks for my blood they both threaten her and it is really funny and over my time spent with Dabi and Shigaraki, I have started to developed feelings for them, I haven't said anything to them about it I have only told Toga and she won't stop telling me to confess. Today Toga and I decided to have a small fun party that we can dress up for, while the boys set up the bar decorating, making food, and making the drinks, Toga and I got dressed up, she gave me a beautiful black dress to wear and did my makeup, my eye shadow was a mix of the colors black, light blue, purple, and red, and my lipstick was black fading to light blue. Toga walked out proudly as she cleared her throat "Ahem, may I present to you, a beautiful princess and all her glory, Iyashino!" she shouted excited as I walked out into the room holding my arm blushing a bit as I looked embarrassed, Shigaraki and Dabi both stared at me blushing before grinning as they walked over each taking one of my hands "More like a goddess" they both said kissing my hands as I blushed, even more, Toga stood there screeching as she was fangirling, "Well I think we will be taking this goddess out into town for a walk under the stars" spoke Shigaraki as him and Dabi took my hands as we walked out of the bar and into the city. Walking around the city they both acted like a prince towards me treating me like a goddess. I was having the time of my life as they took me around the city, "Thank you, both of you. I have had so much fun tonight more than ever before." I said smiling softly as I blushed a bit, Shigaraki turned to me smiling as lifted my head up "You know Dabi and I have been talking and have agreed on something very important," he said softly as he looked at me, I blushed a bit more as  I tilted my head "A-and what would that be?" I asked softly just as Shigaraki grinned leaning down to me kissing me gently, my eyes wide with shock as he pulled away grinning while Dabi took my chin turning my head to him as he kissed me as well, they both grinned as they stood in front of me all of us blushing "That is what we agreed on, we love you Iyashino Ikari, you saw us not as villains but humans that were in pain, from that very moment we knew we loved you and we want you to be ours and only ours" they said starting at act like a yandere, I looked at them blushing as I teared up and smiled as I blushed "I love you too!" I said happily as I hugged them both in tears, I never even noticed that some pro heroes had just shown up, "Freeze villains and hand over the girl!" shouted Endeavor as he showed up ready to fight, Tenko and Touya put me behind them as Touya blasted fire at them not going to let them have me "We won't let you have her!" shouted Tenko as he decayed the ground under them, just then Hawks picked me up starting to fly off "TENKO, TOUYA!!!!" I screamed as Hawks flew away with me they both turned up seeing me getting taken off "IYASHINO!!!! HANG IN THERE WE WILL GET YOU BACK" they shouted as I was taken back to UA in tears. Hawks put me down on the ground as I was screaming and crying, Aizawa, All Might, and Midnight ran up ran over to me as I was in a panic. All of my classmates came running over seeming worried as I refused to let anyone near me "It's ok the villains won't hurt you -" Midnight began to speak but just as she was going to finish I looked up glaring at her my eyes filled with anger and hate "You shut your mouth right now, they never once hurt me cause I was helping them heal from their past" I said standing up my wings puffed up in anger as I started walking closer slowly, "They are villains why the fuck would you help them!?" shouted Bakugou seeming irritated as the others agreed with him. I walked over angry as I locked gaze with him "Cause they are human too, cause they are just in pain since NO HERO came to save them......." I said in a stern voice as I heard Endeavor show up and barge towards me, I turned to him as he stared at me with a face of anger, confusion, and shock. "Tell me, why did you call that villain the name of my dead son, Touya..." he asked as everyone stared confused as I started laughing in a crazy way. "Damn that is funny, ohohoho, you can't even tell that he IS Touya? He never died, you drove him to be a villain! It's a miracle Todoroki didn't become a villain too!" I laughed glancing at Todoroki softly before looking back, "I know many things about everyone here, so don't even ask, I know how you treated your children, how your the reason Todoroki has that scar, I know All Might's secret, I know who Izuku's dad is, I know everything hehehehe...." I laughed as I stood up calmly before turning to Izuku, Todoroki, and Bakugou while sighing. They looked at me filled with confusion, pain, and shock as I walked to them "You know The League would be happy to have you, we treat each other as family, and we don't care who you are. So I say this as an offer to all of 1-A and you Aizawa, join The LOV, there we will work together and take down the corrupt hero society and you can be happy! Todoroki, you can be with your brother Touya, Izuku you can be with your brother Tenko." I said extending my hand smiling to them kindly, I could see that all of 1-A were debating on what to do as they were confused.  Todoroki, Izuku, and Bakugou looked at each other then at me as they sighed, Izuku stared at me for a while and I grinned "I see you have chosen........ Our ride should be here right about now." I said just as Tenko, Touya, and Mic appeared from a portal, Tenko and Touya ran up to me and both kissed me with the look of a yandere "You are ours alone, we won't let anyone else have our goddess" they spoke sternly as they held me like a queen, I smiled as Mic walked to Aizawa and kissed him "Guess this means we got to go then huh Deku and Icy Hot" said Bakugou laughing as he grinned, with the 8 of us standing by the portal we grinned and stepped into the portal vanishing to The LOV. Standing there waiting for us smiling was Toga, Twice, Kurogiri, the Bakusquad, the Dekusquad, and Inko. "Well, I think this is cause for a celebration don't you think so ladies?" I said grinning as my 2 loves held me tightly not letting go, they all laughed as I stepped forward "Now now my loves, go reunite with your brothers, don't wanna keep them waiting now do ya?" I spoke softly as I pushed them to their brothers and walked over to the girls smiling as we talked about how we should celebrate this glorious occasion, "It's settled then, Inko and Toga will be on outfits, Tsu and Uraraka you're on makeup, Mina and I will go call up an old friend and get the place all set up for tonight, Hizashi you think you can get a good selection for music?" I asked looking at Mic aka Hizashi as he cuddled with Aizawa and nodded, I smiled and looked at the girls "Ok it's go time then!" I shouted as we split into out pairs and set off, Mina and I went out and made our way to a special club where we spoke to the owner that I became friends with when I was taken by The LOV and we got the place all for ourselves, I looked at Mina and nodded as we split up and started to decorate the club, the lights changed colors, there was glitter here and there on the floor, there was a few stages with some poles for dancing as well as a stage to just dance normally and sing. About 3 hours passed and all the girls were at the club ready to get changed and have makeup put on while the boys got ready and made their way over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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