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Was someone calling me?

"...Dear God..."

I can hear a mumbled voice but I can't decipher exactly what's being said, or who their talking to for that matter. I strained my ears to hear what was being said.

"...We must act fast..."

Act fast for what? Is something going on?

"...If not...."

My limbs felt heavy and my head was foggy, it was a deep unsettling fog that I couldn't dissipate. What's going on?

"...I fear..."

I fear!? Fear what? Who? I tried to turn my head toward the voice with no avail.

"...Alexis...Dear child..."

Yes! Yes..I'm here, what is it? I need help!!

"...Please wake up..."

Momma, is that you? Wake up, okay! I need you momma! I struggled against the fog, concentrating on my mother's voice. I can hear her pleas and the desperation in her voice clearer now. I just have to push a little farther.


"Mom" I mumbled.

"Oh, thank God above! Sweet child, I thought I'd never wake you. Now, we must hurry" my mother said.

"Mom, I'm dizzy! What's wrong with me? I can't move properly" I told her, my throat was dry. It felt like I haven't drunk water in days.

"Here" My mother put her arm around my back, supporting my neck and moved me into a sitting position.

With my mothers help, I was able to throw my legs off of the bed and stand up. I was only wearing my pajamas- a simple dusty pink tank top and cotton shorts.

"What time is it?- "I asked my mom confused. "It has to be about midnight"

"It's almost 3 in the morning" my mom told me.

My mom helped me to my bedroom door, where a pair of black ballerina flats. "Mom, where are we going?" I asked while I wiggled my feet into the shoes. She propped me up against the door and went to my nightstand, she came back with a glass of water urging me to drink.

She put her arm around my back and we walked into the hallway. My legs felt like two wet noodles. I don't understand what's going on or what's wrong with me.

What's that smell?

Ash? Heat? Fire?

"Mom, what's going on?" I asked, why was I smelling fire?

"Alexis, we must hurry and be quiet"

My mom ushered us through the the hallway and into my fathers study. I slowly gained movement back in my legs, so I didn't need to lean on my mother, but she stayed within arms reach.

My mom went over to my dad's bookcase and pulled down a book. The bookcase shifted to the side to reveal the tunnel and that's when I realized. We were under attack!

"Mom, where's dad? The others?" I asked frantically. Why was I just now figuring this out?

"Dear now is not the time, I have to get you out of here, now go!"

I went thru the opening into the tunnel, my mom quickly pulling the bookcase back in place before trailing behind me.

Torches lit up our pathway, making it easier to see. Even though we could have sensed our way out.

"Alexis, Move!" My mom shouted as she pushed me out the way. The forced of her shove knocked me down and I banged my head against the ground.

I looked up to see a cinnamon color wolf in the spot where I just was standing. It's red eyes, elongated fangs and matted fur told me all I needed to know. It was out for blood.

"Alexis baby run!" My mom told me.

I pushed my self off of the ground. "No, mom! I won't leave you here!" I told her. My mother shifted into her wolf, a beautiful golden one.

I followed but I didn't shift. "Mom, what's happening, I can't shift!" I told her, this could not be happening.

I watched as my mom and the rouge sized each other up, waiting for the other I make the first move.

I concentrated on my wolf but I couldn't feel her. It's like something was blocking me from reaching her.

"Baby, please run! I can only keep him concentrated on me for so long" my mom spoke in my head. A tear ran drown my face when I realized, I'm truly helpless!

"Make it back to me" I told her. I turned on my heel and ran down the tunnel as fast as I could. The tunnel was underground and it led deep into the forest. I grabbed onto the ledge and hoisted myself up.

Once above ground, I ran towards the clearing. I broke through the trees, a startled gasp left my lips as I looked on to the scene in front of me.

Some houses were lit up and others were burned to the ground. Mangled bodies littered the forest floor, some were in human form, others in the form of wolves, worst of all some were in between like they were killed right in the middle of a shift, leaving a deformed and mutilated animal .

The once vibrant green grass was now covered in blood, the blood of my family and friends.

A moan rose from the one of the bodies, I ran to it. 'No' I thought as I got closer to the body.

"Da-Daddy" I said. I collapsed once I reached him. I pulled his head into my lap and gripped his right hand in mine and held like it was the most precious thing to me, because right now it was.

"Lexie, sweetie run!"

"No" I said gripping his bloodied hand tighter in mine. "I won't leave you here, not like this"

"I am happy!" He said. I looked at him incredulously, my vision blurred with unshed tears. His head was resting on my lap, blood leaking out of the corner of his mouth. I used the edge of my shirt to wipe it off.

"No, you're dying." I choked out.

"I know baby, you and your mother have given me the best life possible." He wheezed out.

"Daddy, please save your strength, your gonna live. I know it!" My tears leaked down my face. I bit my lower lip. "You just have to hold on-"

"No" he said firmly. "I know I'm dying but listen to me you have to leave, my only regret is knowing I couldn't take out the ones responsible."

I gripped his hand tighter, I couldn't believe that my father is dying.

"Lexie, promise me that you'll live"

"Daddy, I-I promise"

My father started choking on his blood. I turned him on his side and blood poured out of his mouth. "Daddy..Daddy.....Daddy" I screamed as he started to convulse.

"I..I..Love You" He choked out. His body went still and I saw the light go out of his eyes. I sobbed.

"Daddy" I screamed.

Sobs racked my body and I couldn't breathe, my chest felt like it has a ton of weight on it.

"I love you too, daddy please. I love you, wake up." My words jumbled and my sobbing continued. I couldn't pull myself away from his body.

"Daddy please" I screamed as I was jolted awake, unbridled tears poured out of my eyes and I took a couple sharp inhales and relaxed exhales as I tried to get my breathing to calm down. There was a light sheen of sweat covering my body, my breathing finally slowed and I thought about the events played out in my dream. Dream? It was just a dream. No, it wasn't just a dream, its my reality.

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