I need You

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Beomgyu checked the time on his watch as he walked home. 12:09 am. That was a normal time for him, except today it wasn't from overworking. He groaned as he thought over the day's events. He had found out that the company he was working for had gotten bought out by a bigger company, and unfortunately he got laid off. Losing his job was one of the worst possible things to happen right now. Beomgyu was only 22 but he felt much older. After all he had a son and a boyfriend to take care of at home, and now that he lost his only source of income he really didn't know what to do. He groaned even more as he thought about Taehyun, his boyfriend and his son, Jieun. How was he going to tell Taehyun? 

He and Taehyun had been together since their second year of high school. They were in love, but also immature. About a year into their relationship Taehyun got pregnant. They were only sixteen and it was a lot to handle. They quickly realized that love wasn't enough to make things work. Their relationship wasn't perfect, things didn't work out well, their parents basically gave up on them and they lost a lot of friends, and of course their relationship struggled. But they knew Jieun was more important, so they stuck it out, but now Beomgyu had hit an all time low. How could he face them after being such a failure? His thoughts always went back to what ifs. What if he had been able to live out his teenage years? What if he went to college? What if he never had Jieun? No, he couldn't think like that, he shouldn't but sometimes it was hard not too. Would he have been happier?

As he turned the corner he could see his small apartment come into view, the only light source from the dim street lamp. He looked up dreading going inside. He took a deep breath and went up the three flights of stairs and went inside his apartment. He dropped his keys on the little table near the door and took off his jacket. The kitchen light was still on but nothing else. Of course, Taehyun had probably already gone to bed hours ago. He walked down the narrow hallway to his son's room and peeked inside. On the bed lay Taehyun sleeping with his arms around Jieun. Despite everything that happened his heart melted at the sight. He leaned over and planted a kiss on Jieun's forehead and stared at the two sleeping boys for a moment before walking out and heading back to the kitchen. He collapsed into one of the chairs at the kitchen counter and zoned out, thinking about what to do next. He knew he had to start looking for a new job immediately. He stayed thinking for a while when he heard the door open in the hallway. He looked over as Taehyun shuffled down the hallway, clearly still very tired.

"Hey. When did you get home?'' he asked, his voice a little hoarse from sleep.

"A little while ago,'' Beomgyu responded, unable to look him in the eyes.

"Did you eat?"


"I'll make you something then.''

''No, no that's okay you should go back to sleep, I'm fine.'' but nevertheless Taehyun continued to fill a pot with water and heat up the stove, making some ramen for him. He sighed as he thought about how much he didn't deserve Taehyun.

A few minutes later Taehyun brought over two bowls and chopsticks and sat down with him as the two started eating. He couldn't remember the last time they had properly had a meal together.

"Are you okay?'' Taehyun asked, looking up from his bowl. The loving look in his eyes was enough for Beomgyu to break down.

"N-No..." he choked out with his head in his hands, "I got laid off Tae, I-I don't know what we're gonna do...'' he felt hot tears slide down his cheeks as he tried to stay quiet so as to not wake up Jieun. He was so worried Taehyun would be mad at him, that he broke down even harder when he felt arms around him as he was wrapped in a warm embrace.

"I-I'm so sorry..''

''It's okay, were gonna get through this.'' Taehyun said calmly, trying to contain his own worries.

Beomgyu just cried harder as worries filled his head.

''I'm sorry..." he said again.

There was a pause when Taehyun finally asked "Do you regret this?''

Beomgyu stopped to think. Did he regret this? This life? There were times when he wished he got to do normal teenage things. Times he wished he could go out and party and have no responsibilities. Times he wished he went to college, or traveled more. But did he regret this?

No. He didn't regret falling in love with Taehyun, or having Jieun. He loved them more than anything. Even when it was hard to show, they were his everything and he didn't regret that one bit. They were more important than any of the things he wished he could've done.

''No.'' he said as looked up at Taehyun. "I don't regret this. I love you and Jieun more than anything. I know it may get hard, and I know we haven't had the best moments, but I need you.'' he said with a shaky breath.

" I love you too, Gyu. We're gonna get through this okay?'' Taehyun said, and Beomgyu noticed the tears falling from his eyes too. He held him in his arms for a long time, almost unable to let him go. Taehyun planted a kiss on the top of his head whispering ''I love you''

Beomgyu pulled away slightly to look him in the eyes before placing a longing kiss on his lips for what felt like the first time in forever. He knew things were going to be okay. They were a family and that was what was important. 

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