I Need You part 2

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Beomgyu checked the time as he walked home. 3:14 pm. Finally a decent time to be home. He was actually early today since his boss gave him time off. After he lost his job things actually had gotten better. It took a while for him to find a job, which was pretty stressful, but Jieun started kindergarten so Taehyun was able to get a job. When Beomgyu did find a job, it was much better than the last. It actually had decent hours so he could wake up at 7:30, drive Jieun to school and drop Taehyun off before heading to his own job. He still worked some late nights, but it was better than only seeing his family for a few hours on the weekends. As for his relationship, the time they were able to spend together was necessary. They had been working to make things right and talk through old problems that were never fully resolved. Like resentment towards each other from losing their teenage years. But things were much better, they even had some romance again. Life hadn't been like this for Beomgyu in a long time- he felt really happy. 

He turned the corner and headed into his apartment. Taehyun and Jieun should be home by now, but surprisingly he didn't see them. Until he heard splashing and Jieun's cute giggles coming from the bathroom. He opened the door slightly and saw Jieun in the bath and Taehyun splashing him with soapy water. He smiled and quickly ran to his room. He put on a t-shirt and shorts before going back to the bathroom.

Jieun immediately noticed him.

"Daddy!'' he said excitedly. He smiled and walked over to the bath as Taehyun looked over at him. He kissed Taehyun before squatting in front of the bath next to him.

"You're home early,'' Taehyun said, smiling.

''Mr. Kim gave me a break for a week so I thought I'd come home and surprise you.'' He gave Taehyun another kiss but was splashed by Jieun.

''No more kissing!'' he exclaimed, making a disgusted face. Taehyun and Beomgyu just laughed.

''Why are you taking a bath so early?''

''I painted.'' Jieun said, looking proud of himself.

''I see. I'm guessing he made a mess again?'' he asked looking over to Taehyun who was stifling a laugh.

''He managed to get paint all over himself and not the canvas. I should show you pictures later, it was hilarious.''

''Hey.. My painting was beautiful.'' Jieun pouted.

''Of course it was, you're an artist like your dad.'' Beomgyu was an artist, past tense. Truthfully he couldn't remember the last time he painted. They still had several of the drawings Beomgyu made for Taehyun when they were younger lying around the house somewhere. He smiled thinking of the times he would sketch Taehyun when they were on dates.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Taehyun asking him to pass him the shampoo. He watched Taehyun put the soap onto Jieun's head and start massaging it in. It gave Beomgyu an idea.

''Can I try?''

''Umm sure.'' Taehyun said, rubbing the extra soap on his hands into Beomgyu's playfully.

''Heyy!'' He started styling Jieun's hair so it was sticking up into spikes on top of his head.

"Papa, how do I look?'' Jieun said, looking at Taehyun. Taehyun looked surprised but started laughing hysterically. He took a few photos before trying something himself.

''What is that? You made him look like Cindy Lou who or something!'' Beomgyu said, looking at Taehyun's ''masterpiece''. Jieun just sat in the bathtub giggling while his dads did his hair.

A little while later Beomgyu was starting dinner for the family while Taehyun got Jieun dried and clothed. He started chopping some vegetables when he felt Jieun grab onto one of his legs.

''Can I help you cook? Pleeeease?'' He asked. How could Beomgyu resist his big brown doe eyes.

"Yup! Come here,'' he set a stool next to the counter where Jieun could actually reach, "You can mix this.'' he said, scooting a bowl over to Jieun. He helped him mix and put vegetables into a pan. Taehyun watched from the hallway, smiling at the cute sight. It had been so long since things had been like this. They ate dinner together and finally got Jieun to sleep, after he talked about every single thing he did that day. Taehyun stroked Jieun's hair as his breaths got softer. He slept between Beomgyu and Taehyun, squeezing his little bear plushie that he said reminded him of Beomgyu.

''He's starting to look a lot like you, you know.'' Taehyun commented softly as they watched over Jieun.

''Yeah, but he has your eyes.'' He said as looked into his boyfriends big doe eyes. That was one of the many things that he loved about him.

They got up to go to their own room after a little bit. Taehyun showered first and then got under the covers of their bed scrolling through his phone while he waited for Beomgyu. Beomgyu walked out of the bathroom, not bothering to put a shirt on since he always got too hot. He crawled on the bed until he basically straddled Taehyun.

''Hi.'' he breathed

''Hi.'' they stared at each other before pulling each other in for a kiss, longer than before. This was something they both had greatly missed. Just kissing and cuddling like most couples did. Beomgyu rolled over so he could get under the blankets and spoon Taehyun.

''I love you.'' he whispered into his ear.

''I love you too.'' And with that they went to sleep, excited for the week to come.

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