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WARNING — This story includes many disturbing and violent scenes. This includes blood, knives, kidnapping, torture, guns, etc.

At the end of each chapter, there is a scene of what happens each day to Yeonjun each day he is kidnapped. This is basically what most of the warnings are for. I will put a warning for the contents of each chapter.

You may skip the end chapter scenes if desired, however some of it is relevant to the story.

WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER — blood, kidnapping, knives.

Thank you.



Choi Yeonjun was the star of the school. The 19 year old male was smart, talented, handsome, popular. Everything a person could ever dream of. His parents were rich and wonderful, he had the sweetest friends, the best grades, even the most gorgeous and intelligent girlfriend. The man was born wealthy, but he never acted spoiled or selfish. He was the boy who would use his daily allowance to buy lunch for the poor kid at school. He gave money to the homeless and aided those in need.

He would sacrifice hanging out with his friends to help a stranger in his class study. He had always made it his first priority to make sure everyone was safe, healthy and happy. It didn't matter if it ended up taking a toll on him, because helping others made him happy. Yeonjun was the type of person you would look up to, even if you were older.


Choi Soobin turned on the TV, listening as a news station played the latest news.

"On January 20th 20XX, Choi Yeonjun was pronounced missing.

There were, and still is no leads to who his kidnapper and/or potential murderer is. Last location seen was by Choi Beomgyu at the chemistry lab at XX University. Police sent a search party on January 20th. The search party was disbanded two weeks later.

Yeonjun's body has been found today in the woods behind the university he attended. An autopsy was done on his body and has revealed that he was tortured over the course of an estimation of two weeks before he died due to a gunshot wound to the head. A black da—"

Soobin turned the TV off, a sour expression on his face.


Yeonjun woke up groggy, his head light and mind all over the place. The male blinked a few times, eyebrows scrunching together in confusion when all he saw was black. That was when he felt the ragged, rough cloth tied around his head, blocking his view. Yeonjun's heartbeat accelerated slightly. Wasn't he walking to the bathroom shortly after collecting his things in the chemistry lab? Maybe he passed out—ah, he should've listened to Beomgyu about overexerting himself. But why was there a cloth over his eyes?

Confused, Yeonjun lifted his hands to take off the piece of cloth. His heart dropped when he felt a cold weight on his wrists. Metal cuffs. He heard more rustling of metal scraping across the floor when he moved his arms. Yeonjun was in chains. Shuffling around a bit more, he found out his feet were chained to the floor. He could move his arms a bit, but that was it. He couldn't bring his hands together or down enough to look through his pockets.

There was no noise, the room he was in was eerily silent. Even though it was risky, he decided to take his chances.

"Hello?! Is there anyone there?!" Yeonjun yelled, his voice noticeably hoarse and raspy. He cleared his throat. He must've been breathed in a drug. His lungs were still burning, so he assumed it wasn't too long ago. Chemistry was his last class, there should be a few students and faculty members around. He readied himself to call for help once more.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. These walls are soundproof, nobody can hear you."

A frown came upon Yeonjun's face. That voice was familiar. It definitely wasn't one of his friends as he'd be able to recognise their voice right away. This was someone within the school, but it was someone he never associated with. He surfed his mind for answers, but there was no luck.

His heart thumped against his chest and he felt his palms start to sweat. A rash broke out on Yeonjun's neck—something that happened when he got nervous. This wasn't a prank or anything—his friends would never play a joke that would end up with him being terrified or hurt. This could only be a stranger that he must've talked to once or twice. After all, everyone at school loved him. Well—there were a select few he could name off the top of his head that didn't particularly enjoy his presence. It was mostly due to jealousy, though.

Whether it be of his wonderful girlfriend, his wealth, intelligence, social life—there was always someone bound to be jealous of what he had. However, none of them had the same voice as this man. Perhaps they hired someone to do this? A lot of the ones who were envious of Yeonjun happened to be rich—but none of them were evil enough to fucking kidnap him. Well, at least he didn't think so.

Deciding to stop pondering when he could just pick out answers, Yeonjun spoke.

"Who are you? And why am I here?"

A few footsteps echoed throughout the room. The floor was concrete. It was cold—either the room had no heater, or it was close to the outside with little ventilation. Yeonjun crossed off rooms in his head... the art room, the gym storage room... was he even located at the school?

Yeonjun sniffed the air. It must be. Someone played a prank and poured maple syrup down every single vent in the college many years ago. Most of it was cleaned up, but the smell of waffles and pancakes wafted through the air even now. That meant there was a vent... but this wasn't like the movies. There was no way Yeonjun would be able to get out of the chains and crawl through one.

The pink-haired male squirmed in his position as he heard the footsteps slowly approaching. It seemed as if the male was teasing him—taunting him. As if he was trying to gain a reaction out of him. If there was one thing Yeonjun refused to give, it was his dignity. Though, he was getting nervous at the unknown person approaching him.

"Now, let's make a deal; one question a day and I'll answer truthfully," the man chuckled. "How's that?"

Yeonjun nearly spat at the ground due to the absurdness of the situation.

"What kind of deal is that?! Just let me go!" Yeonjun yelled, starting to feel furious. He didn't wanna sound like a spoiled brat, but his father would surely find him with a bunch of private investigators and make this man's life hell when he escaped.

"You've wasted your first question. My answer is; the only deal you'll be getting."

As Yeonjun opened his mouth to hiss with a snarky comeback, he felt a searing pain in his left thigh and doubled over, seething at the burn. He sliced him through his pants. He didn't believe it was a deep cut, but it was definitely long and it hurt. He felt a trickle of blood cascade down his leg.

"Tomorrow will be the start of day one of our stay together."

Yeonjun could hear the smile on his face.

"Let's enjoy it, okay?"

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