135 20 13

WARNINGS - blood, knifes, stabbing



"Taehyun, when the hell are you gonna get over your ghost addiction?" Soobin complained as his hands shakily brought the flashlight up to shine it through the hallway. His eyes darted around the hall of his college university nervously. He buried his nose into his scarf with a shiver. Who knew that schools were so chilly during the dead of the night? A glance outside the windows revealed the moon shining bright in the dark abyss of the sky. Dots of stars littered the black ocean above. Soobin would say that the view calmed him, but this time it didn't.

Beomgyu looked back at Soobin with exhausted eyes. It was clear that his friend was shaken to the bone as well. "Why the hell did I even decide to come... we might even get kicked out of college if we're caught!"

A snort sounded from Taehyun who claimed the role of caboose. "It's fine. There's only one security guard near the entrance of the school and he just sleeps and..." Taehyun shined his own flashlight at one of the cameras at the end of the hallway. It was aimed downward with a few wires sticking out of the back. "The cameras are up for repair. None of them are working."

Usually, Soobin wouldn't tag along to Taehyun's little adventures. However, Taehyun promised to do all of Soobin's late homework- it was a deal Soobin couldn't pass up on! If he lagged behind anymore, there was a risk of him not passing the year. The two promised to become detectives and graduate with their degree in criminal justice together at the same time. Though, in situations like this, Soobin believed Taehyun should've majored in something like ghost hunting. Was that even an actual major? Probably not, but whoever created majors should make it one.

Beomgyu zipped his coat up all the way and shoved the hand that wasn't holding the flashlight in his pocket. Soobin let out a breath of frustration and shone the flashlight back at Taehyun who scowled. His large eyes squinted and he brought his hands up to block the brightness aimed at his face.

"Dumbass, stop shining the light in my eyes!"

"RIght! Right, sorry."

Soobin quickly turned off his flashlight with a click of the button. Soobin and Beomgyu were both walking as slowly as possible with the latter waving his flashlight everywhere. Meanwhile, Taehyun was hanging behind both of them while casually roaming the hallway. Hueningkai was with the trio at the start, but very soon into their adventure he was scared off by the dark. Soobin just hoped he wasn't caught on his way back.

"I heard from a few seniors that in the past two years people claimed to have seen a ghost in the science lab," Taehyun whispered. His voice seemed loud in the dark and silent hallway. The only sounds were their breathing and quiet footsteps and the occasional conversation.

At the mention of a ghost, Beomgyu froze. "What?!" He spun around so fast Soobin could swear he almost got whiplash. "We're actually going to where a ghost is? Not just like- wandering around like a bunch of morons?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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