Chapter 2

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Previously... As lev opens the door he sees Elliana looking at him with tears rushing down her face.

(Before I start the rest of the chapter I want to let you guys know that I am going to try and be more descriptive and stuff.)

           Lev looked at Elliana and hugged her before he even know why she was crying. Then Lev invites her inside, they go to Levs room and sit on the bed. Lev wipes the tears off of Elliana's cheek and asks in a worried voice. "What wrong?"

      Elliana looks at him and says "I was with Jentzen and he asked about last night, I told him we are just friends but he wouldn't believe me. After a few minutes he asked if I have feelings for you and..." Elliana momentarily goes silent and then says "I didn't know how to answer because... I honestly don't know how I feel about you" then another tear falls from Elliana's eyes. After a few seconds of silence Lev looks at Elliana with a confused facial expression and stuttered out the words "wow, I don't know what to sa-" before Lev could finish his sentence Elliana leans in and kisses him. Lev was shocked but he didn't pull away. After about 5 seconds of kissing Lev grabs Elliana's waist and pulls it towards him and they makeout.

       The next morning Elliana wakes up and realized she must have fallen asleep on lev's shoulder. At first she smiled and lied on the couch with him as the sunrises and peaked through the window blinds. After a few minutes reality sets in and she realizes she messed up so she got up and left before Lev woke up.

        About an hour later Elliana goes to Pipers house to hangout. When she gets there she walks into the kitchen to find Piper sitting on a Kitchen stool watching tiktoks. Then Elliana sat down on the stool that was right next to Piper and started to talking to her, but them Piper says "wait why do you smell like Lev's cologne?" Elliana's eyes widened as she realized she might get caught and lose her boyfriend AND her best friend. "What? OH! Haha it's just Jentzen's new cologne I guess it's the same one that Lev has" Elliana says.

         Piper shrugs it off and goes into the living room. Only 10 minutes after she sat down she heard the door bell ring "Who is it" she says, on the other side of the door she hears "It's Jentzen." So she immediately opens the door and gives him a hug.

         Then piper said "Why aren't you wearing the new cologne you bought?" "What do you mean? I haven't bought any new colognes all month." Jentzen replied. "But Elliana said you got a new colo-" Piper looks over at Elliana and said "If Jentzen didn't get a new cologne like you said then why do you smell like my boyfriend!" Elliana quickly replied with "I don't know!" "JUST GET OUT." Piper yells, Elliana rushes out of the house, filled with embarrassment and guilt. Jentzen looks at Piper and asks "What's going on?" Then piper said "Lets talk about this upstairs, and when we get up there... you might wanna sit down"

To be continued...

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