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A/N: Not edited :( I'll do it later, promise! Enjoy :)


Trudging in relief up the front steps, I let out a breath I didn’t even know I had been holding.

Finally home.

I couldn’t help the smile that crept onto my face as I peaked through the side windows to see that the kitchen light was still on. I guess a part of me knew that my mom would stay up for me, like she always does, but another part of me really wished she would get some sleep. It’s almost 8pm right now and I know she has work very early tomorrow.

I slipped my keys out of my pockets and into the key slot, twisting them around until I heard the familiar click of the lock. I turned the knob, giving the old wooden door a slight nudge so it would open.

We lived in a small house. The first floor just has a tiny kitchen, which is attached to our family room. There is also our public bathroom down there for when guest come over. On the second floor, there are three bedrooms, which I know sounds like a lot, but when you have as large as a family as ours, it’s really not. Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy and Phoebe all share a bedroom together. I know from experience that it’s quite packed in that room, with Daisy and Phoebe taking one set of the bunk beds and Lottie and Fizzy, the other. The two baby twins have a bedroom right a crossed from my mother’s room. There’s one bathroom up there as well which all seven of them share.

My room is actually down in the basement. Since I’m the oldest sibling, I volunteered to take the basements’ makeshift bedroom. It was chilly down there, but my mum provided is with quite the stash of blankets. One of the perks of being down there on my own, is that I had that bathroom all to myself.

I sighed tiredly, rubbing a hand over my face and stepping inside the small house. I managed to close the door behind me with my foot, while I already began removing my jacket.

I was just so exhausted. The café is always so busy and makes me so tired, so quickly. Especially today where I had to take up most of Ella’s shift, and some of Collette’s, plus dealing with those perverted teenagers and, let’s not forget, having to have another run in with those four boys. I swear they’re following me. It’s only been a day with them and I feel like their eyes are crawling down my back.

I flipped the lock on the door quickly, towing off my shoes and setting them aside after. I could hear the faint sound of the television playing in the family room, so that’s where I headed first.

Once I got there, I was immediately met with the lying frame of my mother. She was lying on her side, facing the TV, with a wool blanket pulled all the way up to her chin. I noticed an empty glass on the coffee table in front of her, so I quickly walked over to collect it.

She stirred slightly, cuddling to the warm blanket closer with a frown on her face. I smile softly at her, setting down the cup and crouching down beside her. I couldn’t help myself before I began brushing the hair away from her face, watching as her face began to relax.

She must’ve been really stressed today. The dentist office is normally quite busy and I know how many raging kids she’s probably had to deal with today. Even though she’s only the assistant, she still has to carry a large load of work.

“Lou?” Her soft voice mumbled, her blue eyes fluttering open and squinting at me own.

I sent her a small smile, dropping my hand from her hair, “Yeah mum, it’s me.” I chuckled, watching as a yawned slipped past her lips.

“How was work, baby?” She questioned, trying to keep the tiredness out of her voice but simply failing. It wasn’t hard to see that she was absolutely beat. Her hair was a mess, sticking out in random directions, the bags under her eyes said more than enough and the drool dripping subtly down her chin made me crack an even wider fond smile.

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