1 : dreams come true.

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       Oh my actual fuck,i am actually writing a fan fiction right now. I reaaally hope that it turns out well because this is the first ever thing to be published by me.

By the way the multimedia is our girl Lyra if you wondered hehe

Special shout-out to my måneskin whores i love y'all.<3

Hope you enjoy,

  It actually was happening,i actually was heading to Rome to finally make my dreams of being a stylist to come true. It all still felt like a goddamn joke,even on the plane to be honest. To this day,even to this second, i haven't realized that i was actually heading to Italy to make my dreams come true.

  I was freshly out of college, going to Rome to work  as an co-stylist to one of the most well known fashion companies in Italy. Holy Shit Lyra. You are actually about to make it, i passed through my mind while laying my head on the uncomfortable seat of the plane. The plane had taken off about 20 minutes ago or so and since then i was stuck in my thoughts thinking about how i was actually on the plane flying to Italy.

  After a good 10 minutes,i finally managed to get out of my thoughts to actually eat or drink something. Excitement always made me feel full and it was happening again. But i knew if i didn't  eat anything for a good 10 minutes,my stupid ass will be on the ground because of low blood sugar.

  When the flight attendant was next to my seat i quickly grabbed the pretzels and the coffee that she was holding,to drain my excitement down. We actually were getting close to Rome. We already were  half and hour into the flight and only got twenty-ish minutes or to go so.

After spending the last 20 minutes listening to music,i finally managed get ready to pick my bags up so i could exit the plane as soon as i can. After the captain announced that we could open our seatbelts,i hurriedly opened mine and reached for the cabinet above me to grab my suitcase so i could quickly get to know Rome better.

My heart was beating so fast to the point were i thought that my heart was going to break through every piece of me to get out. Hurriedly stepping out of the plane i took a deep breath of the beautiful Rome air that was greeting me by flowing my hair with the soft wind. I couldn't help but smile to myself,i was in Italy for god's sake.

Getting down from the plane i quickly and walked inside the airport to get my passport and ticket checked so i could enter the country. Surprisingly it went by very fast which i was so glad of. Usually passport checks were exhaustingly long and boring but Italy decided to give me a welcome gift by making the line real fast for me. I have already loved this country a lot.

As soon as everything was done,i got out of the airport to find a taxi so that i could go to my new apartment in Rome. Unfortunately finding a cab was harder than i had expected. I was roaming around for exactly about 15 minutes to find a cab to take my tired self home. I was about to give up until a empty taxi came towards the entrance. I literally can't explain how fast i ran to the doors of the taxi so that i could get in. The driver noticed me quickly cause i literally hugged the goddamn door. After noticing the weird thing i did,i came back to reality to help the driver put my stuff to the back of the cab. When that was done i got in the cab and let out a deep breathe before closing my eyes to relieve the tension.

When the driver got back in the car,i politely tried to explain the address with my broken Italian. Oh god,i really had to practice a lot. Fortunately the driver was speaking a bit of english so he understood me and started driving. Smiling to myself,i laid my head back to the seat to relax and watch the beautiful roads of Rome heading to my new home and life.

OH GOD. I AM PANICKING SO BAD AT THIS POINT. Jokes aside i really hope you enjoyed the first chapter. it mainly was about Lyra moving to Rome and for you to get to know her. Next chapters are gonna be where the fun comes in trust me hehe.

Until then,take care

xoxo melody.

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