Vroom Vroom

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After my blush finally went away and I finally got the courage to look at Charlie, the encounter became much easier.
"So, tell me about yourself, Love." Charlie asked his gaze deeply set on me. I twirl my fingers and bite my lip in thought, trying to come up with details about myself. Admittedly I'm one of those people that hates being put on the spot and tend to choke when it comes to presenting- wether to a group, or people I'm unfamiliar with.
"Well...I'm 19 and country- raised-" I start off before Nadia cuts me off.
"Aw! I totally knew I heard an accent in that cute little voice of yours somewhere!"
"Nadia. Don't interrupt. Continue, Gino." Charlie says motioning me with his hand that I should keep going. I don't know what it is about him, but he makes me want to do what he says.
"As I was saying...I'm country-raised. I grew up on a small farm with my ma, pa and younger brother Matthew. I enjoy reading, writing, music and live alone, because I'm allergic to cats and dogs are a lot of work. I work here and have been since I was 17. That's really all there is to me. How about you guys?" I finish off not before noticing Charlie's lip twitch upward when he hears I live alone.
"I'm 28, own a series of body shops named Horton Automotive. My full name is Charles James Horton and I was born in Detroit, Michigan, where I first learned about cars- which only makes sense, since it's nicknamed Motor City. I have a bulldog named Cooper and I live in a four bedroom over on the North side of town. This is my sister Nadia, who is my second half mainly because we're fraternal twins. She was born three hours after me and I think lost a few brain cells when the doctor pulled her out. I enjoy riding my harley, painting (even though I'll never admit that to any of my buddies) and cooking." He says in what seems like one breath.
"You paint? I'd love to seem them sometime! I've always wanted to design an art exhibit with a bunch of cool art and feature a few local artist. I really enjoy that art lets you see things through other peoples eyes ad that it can really mean anything you want and that nobody can truly determine what you mean by your piece, but you. Sorry, I get a little excited when talking about art and stuff." I apologize after remembering what I've been hearing for years that no one really cares about how I feel about things as silly as art. When I told my dad I wanted to be a writer, he told me, "Only girls and faggots write about emotions and shít.". Oh righty- o, daddy-o! I roll my eyes at my train of thinking, before realizing Nadia was speaking to me.
"- he has this whole room dedicated to painting and when I tell you his works are probably the best I've even seen- I mean it!" She gushes.
"Nadia enough. We haven't even ordered yet and we've been here for 15 mins." Charles states. I call Bailey over to take our orders. We all decide and recite what we want pretty quickly and Bailey informs me that I now have an hour break thanks to Sally.
"We look at that. Now we don't have to rush little one." He coos at me. I swear I may die of overheating and blushing before this is even over. As our meal goes on we talk a little more about ourselves and learn Nadia was put in the hospital after trying to kill herself. It breaks my heart, because she's so bubbly you wouldn't even think that she could harm a fly- let alone herself. I look at the clock while we're all in a comfortable silence with full bellies and see it's nearly 3pm.
"I had a great time talking to you guys, but I have to get back to work." I apologize.
"It's okay, Love. Do what you have to do. I'll be back around seven, so be ready." He says before dropping a 100 on the table and exiting with Nadia glued to his side. I sigh and return back to work.


Seven o'clock finally hit and I'm jittery with anticipation. I don't know what to expect, but honestly just spending time with that man makes me feel all weird inside. I hear boots clunking in front and Charles sultry voice ask for me. I make my way out there to see him in full rider bad boy gear. The denim jeans, thick leather jacket, sunglasses and helmet placed under his arm.
"Are you ready to go, Pet?" He asks before bringing a helmet I hadn't seen before into view. I gulp because I've never been on a motorcycle, but I've seen how fast the shoot through the streets.
"Don't worry. I have precious cargo, so I'll drive extremely careful he says before brushing him thumb across my cheek.
"Vroom vroom, let's go..I guess." I say chuckling nervously. We head out to his bike and I don't know that much about motorcycles, but I'm pretty sure this has to be one of the more- chop off all your limbs and give all your organs to afford- kind. He wraps a leather jacket around me and plops on my helmet before sitting down and motioning for me to join him. I kick my leg across and slide on before sliding forward right into his back.
"Hold on!" He yells over the revved engine and making sure I was holding on before taking off. We drove in silence just soaking in the scenery, before he tapped my leg and motioned for me to look up front over his shoulder. I hadn't even noticed we stop due to the fact I was just enjoying my cheek pressed to his black, eye closed and content. I look forward and see the most beautiful view I've even seen. The city was light up and the night sky was starry and dark. He began pointing of places of interest or what little speck of light was the diner or one of his shops. Overall I was in awe and somehow found my way off the bike and toward the railing staring off into it all.
"I figured since you were from the country you've never been able to truly see the city lights." He says with his chest pressed against my back and arms wrapped around my waist. I just shake my head and continue to gaze at the view in wonderment. I turn around in him arms, before leaning up on my tippy toes and press a soft kiss to his lips. He smiles and looks down into my eyes.
"What was that for?" He questions
"For giving me one of the best times of my life." I reply and rest my head on his chest soaking in the warmth of his body into mine.
"We should go." He says after minutes if us just sitting there holding one another. The ride back he spends interchangeably holding my hand while on his stomach. We arrive back and he takes the helmet off, but not before first lifting the visor and giving me a chaste kiss on my nose. I watch him ride off and pray that this won't be the last time I see my mystery man.


I'm on a roll!!! But here's the next chapter. Also you remember the old ladies in the second chapter? They may be making a special appearance in the next few chapters, because their kind of special. Anyway let me know what you think- honestly. I also never edit until the end of a book, so sorry about any mistakes.

Writer_visionary OUT

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