~Chapter Six~

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"Ta da!" Tibbles exclaimed as he yanked a large black curtain off of, what seems to be, a Wheaties box with the whole team on it.


"That's awesome!"

"So cool!"

"Hey y'all, that's us." Dwayne states.

"No, really?" Everyone teased, Y/N just patted him on the shoulder as she smirked and went to sit next to Coach and Charlie at a table (as the rest of the team was sitting at other tables or on the floor).

"Today, it's a Wheaties box. Tomorrow, it's video games, action figures, lunch boxes, the sky's the limit." Tibbles said.

"Now! Just to make sure that everybody knows who you are, try on one of these." Tibbles said tossing Fulton his new Hendrix Hockey jersey, then Bombay and so on and so forth. Everyone seemed to like them, except for Charlie.

"It's nice Coach, but we're Ducks. This stuff says Hendrix all over it." Charlie said.

"Well, yeah, they're our sponsors, Charlie." Coach said.

"So what? Can't we be U.S.A Ducks? Or at least keep our own colors?" Charlie tried persuading. Coach just shook it off.

"It's business stuff Charlie, don't worry about it." Coach reassured as he got up to talk to Tibbles.

"You're worried. But, not about our uniforms. Spill." Y/N ordered her friend.

"I'm not worried. I don't know what you're talking about." Charlie defended. 

"Oh please. You're biting your lip, it's a dead give away." Y/N stated, rolling her eyes. Charlie took this as an opportunity to tease her. 

"Why you looking at my lips, Y/N?" Charlie teased. Y/N blushed. 

"Oh please, it's not like that and you know it." She defended. 

"Then what's it like?" Charlie urged. 

"Charlie cut the crap and tell me what's bothering you. I'm worried about you." Charlie looked down so she couldn't see the blood that rushed to his cheeks. 

"I'm just worried that this whole sponsorship stuff will ruin the game and stuff." Charlie confessed.

"It'll be fine Charlie. Don't worry." Y/N started, lifting his head so his gaze was on her. "I'm sure it's nothing just like Coach said. Now gimme a smile and focus on the fact that we're in L.A playing for the Junior Goodwill Games!" Y/N exclaimed enthusiastically. Charlie smirked at her poor attempt to cheer him up.

"If anything does happen though, Charlie, I'll be here." Y/N said, giving Charlie a reassuring hand. Charlie then nodded and pulled her into a hug mumbling a thanks into her ear.


"Ancient Greece was the beginning of western civilization. See, in Greece, they didn't have professional sports, or Wheaties boxes. So, the athletes competed for another reason; anybody?" Miss. Mackay asks the team.

"Falafels?" Goldberg asked, causing most of the team to laugh. Luis, who was sitting next to Y/N on her right, just rolled his eyes and Charlie, who was sitting on her left, just smiled and raised his hand.

"Charlie?" Miss. Mackay called.

"Pride." Charlie stated as Y/N smiled at her best friend.

"That's right. The various city-states waved their flags and wore their home colors proudly." Miss. Mackay said.

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