So in my life, there are three classes, poor which tend to be abused, but only 1%, but they hide and most are killed, Middle class which is wealthy, Rich who abuse the poor with the middle class, and the richest family of them all and they are the m...
So I got home and Alluka was waiting for me. She walked up to me and said, "Hey onii-chan! did you make new friends?" "Nope, but I saw a cute boy at school, I also heard he is gay so that should make it easier." Alluka jumped up and down and said, "YAY onii-chan will get a lover!" I nodded and said, "Why not help me make up a plan to get him to like me?" Alluka nodded and we started walking to my room and we started making up plans.
1. Guardians of the Zolydyck family exams
So we convince Gon after school to join the family exams invite him to the private room to get to know each other then go from there. It starts in 6 months.
2. Sit with each other at lunch
Why it won't work: The people will stop me from sitting down with him
3. Our battle event at school today
Why it won't work: He will probably be beaten in the first round
"Well, #1 it is," I said. Alluka said, "Good luck and if you become friends with him please bring him here so I can meet him!" I just nodded and went out the door early at 6:45 am and I walked by the local orphanage and I heard someone say, "Welcome Gon Aisu please come in." I turned my head around and waited outside until he came out at 7:30 am with a girl with white hair, a green shirt, blue shoes, and black pants. I heard the girl say, "So what is your name?" "My name is Gon Aisu. Yours?" "Akane." "Well, I actually have a good name for you, it's Hikari." The girl giggled and said, "I like it!" Gon smiled a smile brighter than the sun and it made me blush and I made a slight noise-causing Gon to turn around and I hid and they continued walking and I stopped following them.
"So what is that sign on the back of your clothes?"
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I laughed and said, "Well this is my own clan I made, no one has ever had the powers of ice so I have a clan and I want you to have the ability of ice." "So cool!" Hikari said in an excited voice. I touched her shoulder and a ring appeared on her finger and said, "Well now you have ice powers." She jumped in happiness and said, "So what is life like and what abilities do you have?" "Well, I have recently found a way to make infinite money so we are good on that, I have made an invisible water vapor from ice and it surrounds me and it is impenetrable and I can manipulate ice to the full extent like the ice god. I also have a custom sword I am guessing he built for me while he trained me." I unsheathed my sword and showed it to her.
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