Part 8

266 9 11

Dr. Grace runs back into the room with a file

Dr. Grace: THEY SAID YES!!!

Dr. Jason: yeah!

Dr. Addison facepalms: oh no...

Dr. Grace: Im gonna go tell them!

Dr. Grace runs into the containment cell

Dr. Grace: hey you two

106: oh hey Grace

096: h-hi Grace

Dr. Grace: okay you two I have a deal 

096: yeah...

Dr. Grace: if you promise not to breach containment as often the o5 promised me to allow the two of you together

096: really!

106: you mean we can stay together!

Dr. Grace: that's what I just said... and of course you two can! but...

096: what?

Dr. Grace: for some reason the o5 wants to see how the two of you reacted to another SCP...

096 hides behind 106

096: not the lizard not the lizard PLEASE NOT THE LIZARD!

Dr. Grace: it's not 682 calm down... it's SCP 173...

106 and 096 look at Dr. Grace in confusion

Dr. Grace: it is an SCP that if you look away it can kill you... 

096: b-but it will look at me...

Dr. Grace: actually it has seen a photo of you before and nothing happened so it can look at you 

106: but what if me and Shy look away?

Dr. Grace: we have a team that will be looking at it with the special cameras that can see your face Shy

096: o-okay...

Dr. Grace: if he does anything happens I promise I will feed it to 682 

SCP 096 x SCP 106 (remake)Where stories live. Discover now