do not harvest my livs

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Customwoodburnings POV: *broken hearts club plays in the backround* i sigh, as i end the liv. Everyone thinks my art looks like dumpydoo ? Why is that ?? Why cant anyone understand im tired of people messing with my livs..

Y/N's POV: i woke up, and im somewhere else ? Like a different bedroom. Wait theres no possible way i am at someone elses house, right ? I look to my left and i see customwoodburning, she came closer and gave me a hug sobbing in my arms. She probably goes through so much stress... I feel kind of bad for her.. I then woke up and it was all a dream.. I wish it was real.. Maybe i should hang out with her. You got up and started your daily routine, got dressed, and dmed her asking if you guys could hang out.

Customwoodburnings POV: after i left my liv, really upset, i decide to make some breakfast to cheer myself up, then i heard a notification pop up from my phone

"Tiktok: you have 1 new message"

Customwoodburnings POV: *sigh* i thought as i opened it, "its probably another message from another troll account. My eyes widened as i realized it was Y/N's user !

Y/N: hey maybe we could go somewhere and talk if you live close to me and you could show me some art if its okay !

Customwoodburnings POV: i got a bit nervous, what if they are fake ? What if they are older then me and what if theyre a troll account and will say amongus really loud and run away ?? I sighed as i texted back, hoping this wasnt a bad idea...

Customwoodburning: sure girlboss !!😊😊 i will make sure i will bring some of my art aswell and some minion videos 😊😊🤞🤞💖💖

            Y/N: sure !! Lets meet at *cafe
        name* ill see you there !!

Customwoodburning: okay 😑😑😑


Y/N's POV: i am actually very excited ! I got dressed and walked out the room like a girlboss, i cant wait to meet her !!

Customwoodburnings POV: i cant wait to meet my favorite tiktoker !, they are one of my favorite mootuals and i honestly cant wait until i meet them ! I got dressed into something casual and i brought some of my wood carvings along aswell so they can see them.


Y/N's POV: i cant believe i finally get to meet her, i am actually quite nervous to meet her, what if she doesnt like me and leaves? I sigh as i walk to the *cafe name* and i saw her

Customwoodburnings POV: i saw Y/N and im honestly stunned, they look so cute and there style looks just as good as my woodburnings "h-hey Y/N you look really nice today" i said as i blushed intensly and i hope they didnt notice....

Y/N's POV: i blushed as we both held hands and i tried to hide it as i said "you know customwoodburning ? Your art looks amazing but you look even better" i said blushing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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