Crossing Monkey Bars

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      According to C.S Lewis " Letting our painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward". From that qoute there is one thing that comes up in my mind " I should move on, it doesn't matter how long it is". There are many ways on how to move on.

Let it out, don't pretend that you're fine in front of your family, friends and people around you. Keep good friends around you. Talk to a friend or one member of your family and get the feelings out. Because good friends will comfort you and they will help you to move on. Lastly forgive and forget, you will find yourself in a place where you can let things go. Find things that will make you smile and laugh. And sorround yourself with friends and people who cares.

      In every relationship the word break-up and move on are very common. Being strong in front of others will be difficult but soon you will start to feel time healing the wounds. And you will be better and stronger than ever.

© to my oh so awesome classmates ;)

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