4 - Victorian Victor

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Both Ms. Christine and Gabriel hollered at Victor and me to go get into robes again before we were allowed to eat. Once our skin has been freed from confining clothing, we were allowed to join Nathan, Silas, Gabriel and Kota for the submarine sandwiches Kota kindly delivered. We all gathered in the dressing room and set up camp on a couch hidden behind a couple racks of pirate and goth-themed costumes. I was informed Ms. Christine allowed for an hour for lunch break, and boy, could we use it. Modeling was hard work.

"Can I get back into the toga?" Silas asked innocently. He was enjoying that way too much, but it was adorable. I did not have the heart to deny him.

Kota raised an eyebrow. "Toga?"

"Fuck no," Gabriel answered around a mouthful of sandwich. After swallowing, he continued. "There is no reason for you to go prancing around in a sheet and chance it accidentally falling off to show Sang your blubbery ass."

During this, Nathan had pulled out his phone and was showing Kota the pictures he took of their friend, and briefly explained why it happened.

Silas stood up and turned to try and look at his jean-clad rear. "It's not really blubbery, is it?"

I couldn't help myself.  I looked. It wasn't blubbery at all. In matter of fact, it was rather trim and fit and…

Silas caught me staring. He grinned. I blushed.

"You have work elsewhere anyways," Kota announced.

Silas groaned and shoved the rest of his sandwich in his mouth before he went to collect his dark blue canvas bag from the wall. As he went behind the privacy screen, Kota explained he himself was going to stay and help out in Silas's stead, but with the way he was explaining, I heard hidden intentions that he wanted to stay anyways and observe whether he was needed or not. I didn't mind. I liked Kota's company.

Stifling a yawn, I offered the last of my sandwich to Silas as he was leaving. Then I pressed my cheek against Nathan's shoulder and promised myself I would close my eyes only for a couple of seconds.

The next thing I knew was Nathan was gently shaking me awake. "Peanut, as much as I love being your pillow, I really need to go use the little boys room." I jolted upright. Nathan bolted up to standing and ran for the restroom. After looking around, no one else was upstairs. How long was I asleep? Did I mess the schedule up?

Too impatient to wait for Nathan, I tip toed down the stairs, old habits kicking in to try and move as quietly as I could without sacrificing too much speed. I could not hear the clicking of the camera, but I did hear Ms. Christine's voice interchanging with Gabriel's.

"Bring one lock forward and let it dangle over his forehead." That was Ms. Christine.

"Like Superman?" Gabriel asked. I was finally getting close one ought to see he was putting a comb to Victor's head in those bright lights.

"The Christopher Reeve one, yeah."

Kota was standing not too far from the photographer with a metal-caged fan in his grip. He saw me sneaking up and smiled at me. He wasn't mad or annoyed, so my nap must not have thrown things too far out of whack. I had not made this assignment a failure yet.

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