What Do You Fear?

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With sodas at hand, I noticed that y/n was taking up all the space on the couch while playing a game. "Yo y/n, can you scoot over?" I asked y/n, who was hogging the entire couch to herself by laying down. After setting down the X-box controller on the coffee table, of course pausing the game first, she glanced at me with her big e/c eyes, smiled slightly, and  moved  to one side. She then ran her small hand through her messy h/c hair, trying to fix it....but to no avail. I was glad that I was wearing my mask or else she would catch me staring. I sat next to her and handed her a soda.

"Thanks." Her hand brushed mine when she grabbed her drink and I felt blood rushing up to my cheeks a little. She didn't notice it. Y/n took a sip and set it on the coffee table. She then picked up the controller and continued to play whatever game she was playing. Noticing the awkward silence she speaks up.

"Hey Cry, when do you think your fans will leave you alone about your mask?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't bug you about it ... I've known you for years and... I don't think I'm entitled to see your face if you don't want me to."

"Do you ever take a breath when you talk?" She let out a chuckle.

"Sometimes." We shared a small laugh. I glanced at the wall, seeing a spider there, I yelped.

"Huh?" Y/n asked and then turned her head to face the wall. A small smile formed on her face when she saw what I was staring at. She got up and walked over to the wall.

"Cry, is this little guy scaring you?" She asked in a joking tone. She brought her pointer finger close to the spider.

"Hello, friend. Come here, little guy." She said in a childish but adorable voice as she set her finger below the spider. It crawled onto her finger, without hesitation. Probably sensing her friendly and caring nature. She then walked over to a window, opened it, and set the spider outside before closing the window.

"There. The spider is not harmed and neither is my masked friend. Right, Cry?" She asked as she turned to face me with her arms behind her back, and a sweet smile on her face.

"Yeah. Thank you y/n. I'm not scared of spiders by the way. It just startled me. That's it." She came over and ruffled my hair with her soft, small hand.

"I know, Cry. Want to play Silent Hill?"

"Which one?"

"Shattered Dreams?"

"Sure. Let me find it and set it up."

" 'Kay. I'll make some popcorn." She said in an excited tone as she went to the kitchen. By the time, the popcorn was done, I had everything set up.

"Hey y/n, do you mind if I record this?" She sat next to me, popcorn bowl in her hands as she tossed a few into her mouth.

"Sure. It's your channel." We started the game up and everything was going fine until it turned to shit where my character had to run from these....these.... weird purple demonic things. The weirder part was how y/n acted. She seemed as though she wasn't scared, almost relaxed. Though, that could be because she was focusing on me being scared and not the game.

"Dammit!" My character had just died, again.

"Let me try. Here, eat some popcorn," Y/n said before throwing some popcorn at me. As I was eating the pieces of popcorn that didn't fall onto the floor, while letting out a chuckle, y/n continued to play Silent Hill. I expected her to at least  tense up when her character was being chased but instead, she was just calm. Maybe even relaxed.

What? Does she even get scared? I don't get it. Bugs don't creep or gross her out, at all. Not spiders, not centipedes, not cockroaches. Nothing. This game isn't doing it either. There must be something that scares her. She comforts me when I get scared and she even helped me over a few of my fears. I want to be able to do the same for her.

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