Wow... part two :)

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Agoti.Pov As I was about to do it until the lights went out I jumped a little Tabi did to. I could see a little bit. I got off the bed and put my shirt back on. Tabi just sat on the bed I looked at him and turned as I was walking feeling around to make sure I didn't fall. I went downstairs but I almost trip but I made it to the door and went outside to fix it I did fixed and the lights came back on. I went back inside and walk back upstairs and seen Tabi getting dressed. he was puting on his shirt and his hoodie he always wears. He looks at me and blushes a little bit while I did to i walk up to Tabi and pick him up and went downstairs I went to the sofa and sat down with Tabi my lap.

Tabi.Pov as he was going to do it the lights went out i jumped a little. I seen Agoti got off the bed and put on his shirt and hoodie. I just sat on the bed Agoti looked at me and turned I didn't know what to do so I just sat on the bed looking around trying to see but I couldn't so I sat. Until the lights went back on so I got out of the bed and went to the closet to get dressed and I put on my shirt and Hoodie and I look over and see Agoti I blushed a little he did to. He walk over to me and pick me up I blushed a little he walk downstairs and went to the sofa and sat down with me on his lap I turned to my normal form.

Word count: 311

I'm finally got off my lazy butt and finally did it :p.

Tabi x agoti Where stories live. Discover now