Chapter 3

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Midoriya's POV


I decided I was gonna break out Kiri was right I can't really trust someone I don't know maybe Kiri was a little wrong on his description but I can't trust, someone, I just met. So it's now 5:49 am and Im waiting. After Dinner, the guards gave us our original clothing but we were forbidden to put it on I guess they had no room for it. I put my red shoes and dark blue jeans on with a white sleeved shirt with my green vest to match with my hair the only thing they didn't give back was my gloves those god damn gloves cost so much money but its fine at least I have my outfit back.

I started to overthink what's going to happen again what if Kiri is just lying and playing with my emotions what if I can't trust anyone has to do with Kiri. out of nowhere I hear a loud smash it sounded like people were breaking out I immediately run out of my bed and look at the metal bars and I see over hundreds of people breaking out. I heard a little bang on my bars "Glad to see you trusted me Deku" I look to see Kiri breaking me out I smiled and thanked him.

I started running where Kiri and the others were people who used to break out of prison made a tunnel underground to escape it was a cramped spot but it worked. Finally, I can feel the fresh air. I made it out the wind blowing in my hair flowing "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR" But who am I kidding this isn't the time to celebrate. I quickly ran out of there I saw two guys get caught I felt bad for them but it is what it is. "SMASHHHH!" I heard a loud yell I look behind me and see Kiri beating up the royal guards to save the two boys. "Wow.. that.. was.. AMAZING!" I yelled at Kiri he shrugged and blushed.

Everyone else kind of went their way when I don't really have anywhere to go heck I just got here! I see Kiri helping people escape still I walk over to Kiri and tap him on the shoulder "Huh why aren't you running away?" he asked me.  "Well I don't really have a place to go I was technically kidnapped here if that makes sense and I have no quirk I would be killed out there so please Kiri let me stay with you with your adventures until I can find my way back home" I begged as I bowed "Sure," Kiri said, I was surprised by his answer I thought he was gonna say 'No' or 'Yes but' "Look your probably confused why I said yes the reason why is I want to help you get your quirk and two it gets kind of lonely in my home and you said you had some tye of connections with the prince and I want to give that boy a piece of my mind," He said "Thank you honestly," I said.

Kiri gave a thumbs up after Kiri helped everyone make it out fine we started to head to the Oryn village it was an hour-long walk I think could be longer "Hey Kiri can I ask a question?" I asked, "Shoot," He said. I look down at my feet wondering if I should ask or not. "If you mind me asking what did you go to prison for? If its personal you don't need to answer it" I said. Kiri gave me a shook look like I didn't know what he did "Well you really are new here. Well the reason, why I went to prison, is how I look, you're probably asking yourself 'huh?' well whenever I activate my quirk I look scary and since I would save people, people thought I was hurting them instead of helping them, so word got around town I was put in prison and I escape and then there was a bounty on me for 100,000 and I was staying at a cabin at that time and the owner snitch on me. And now we are here" He said.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for this man. He went to prison for no reason and had to deal with betrayal. We continue walking in silence "So where are we going now?" I lighten up the mood. "There are cabins over there where we can rent out for the night and I happen to know the owner so he will give us a free room," He said. I grinned and thank him the millionth time.

After what seemed like hours we made it. Kiri walked over to the main cabin to rent out a room "Knock knock love birds I'm back!" Kiri yelled at the cabin owner and what seemed to be his wife. the cabin owners were an old married couple that Kiri would bother them. "Oh my Ei you really got me thinking you weren't gonna escape!" The women yelled. ''Yeah yeah I know but I can't be all excited this time I need to be careful last time I was being reckless and going outside like nothing was happening" He said. I stayed behind Kiri not knowing what to say. "Oh I see you brought a friend last time you brought someone over you made a lot of noise," He said. I laugh as I see Kiri embarrassed "Speaking of that friend Im gonna find him tomorrow and I know exactly where he is. And I brought Midoriya to tag along! also, we need a free cabin so we can spend the night so can we pretty please get a room for 2?" Kiri said slipping in the free room. The old women sighed "Of course you can just when you leave in the morning promise you two will be safe" The old women said. Kiri grabbed the keys and pushed me out of the cabin and waved the owners goodbye before they schooled Kiri about safety lessons "No Promise's!" He yelled as he closed the door.

"They seem sweet," I said. "They are!" He said. we made it to our cabin as we walk in there was two twin-size bed I took the one next to the door as I kick off my shoes "God it feels so good to be on a regular bed!" Kiri said as he belly-flopped onto his bed. "So Kiri what are we gonna do tomorrow? you said you wanted to find someone?" I asked. Kiri nodded "An old friend of mine who is a protector. I want to meet up with him since last time we didn't really end off on good terms and I bet he was looking for me and I was stuck in prison" Kiri said as he giggled at the end. A protector?? hmm I can't wait to ask them so many questions!

"Well Deku we should get some rest because we need to wake up on time so only a couple of hours of sleep but it's fine you'll get used to it," Kiri said. I nodded as I thank him again for letting me tag along. I kicked off my shoes and went to bed right as I laid my head on the pillow.

Todoroki's POV

A couple of hours ago


Izuku, Izuku, Izuku, Izuku, Izuku,I zuku, Izuku, Izuku, Izuku, was the only thing going in my head. I need to break him out! but my father would kill me but fuck him honestly. I got out of my bed and put my shoes on I look in the mirror and notice dried blood still on my head. Did they really need to knock me out that hard? I slowly opened my door and slowly closed it. I climbed out of the window that was outside my door and made it perfectly on the ground I made my way to the Oryn prison right before I step foot on the prison grounds I hear glass shattering coming from the prison I came closer and closer to the prison walls to hear people shouting and yelling ''GO GO GO GO". 

Was this a prison escape??!?

I decided not to get involved but watch from afar. I look and I see over hundreds of people escaping and using their quirks. where is he?? Is all I can think of. Greem hair green hair, GREEN HAIR I found him. I walk away from the tree I was standing behind and see Izuku I was about to greet him when a person with bright red hair approached him they started talking and started to walk together to the nearest village I assumed, I couldn't hear them talking but they seemed to be heading the same way so I guess I'll follow them I can't take any chances of talking to Izuku and the red hair guy seeing me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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