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~ karls POV: ~

I woke up and opened my eyes and looked up at the ceiling while rubbing my eyes, and thinking about the dream I had. It was about sapnap, we met up and well, I kissed him and he kissed me too. Why would I have a dream like that? I then remembered that today's the day. The day I'm meeting my best friend. I have so many different emotions right now. I'm excited but nervous, so nervous. I don't know why though, it may just because I am scared of missing my flight. Or because of my messed up dream. I eventually blocked out my thoughts and got out of bed.

I hopped out of bed and grabbed my phone while walking into the bathroom, I checked the time and it said 8:04. I brushed my teeth, and then got my hair ready. My flight is at 11:30 so I should have enough time to get ready. After I finished brushing my hair I exited the bathroom and headed toward the kitchen and I decided to just go with cereal to save time even thought I still had plenty of it. After I finished eating I checked the time again, 8:38 I went into my room and made sure I had everything I would need and I dashed to the front door and steeped outside. I locked my door a began to drive to the airport.

I finally arrived at the airport, I reached into my pocket and picked up my phone to check the time once again 10:57 I'll go ahead and head inside the airport. I went in the airport and sat down at a bench to wait for my flight.

~ time skip ~

I keep checking the time because of how anxious I am to see sapnap. I checked the time again and it is 11:23 I heard an announcement on the intercom a few minutes later and it said that to get to my flight (sorry guys I've never been at a airport or anything bare with me) i went through security and then boarded the airplane. I texted sapnap and told him I was getting on the airplane, and I would be there in about an hour and thirty minutes. Sapnap told me that he would be at the airport to pick me up, I replied ok see you soon. And then I shut off my phone. I can't believe I'm going to see Nick, I'm so excited. I decided to take a nap to pass the time.

I awoke from my sleep to to the announcement on the plane announcing that we are landing. I quickly got up and grabbed my bag and exited the plane. Once I got out of the plane I saw sapnap and I immediately ran towards him and hugged him. "Sapnap you're real!" "Yeah of course I'm real" Sapnap replied and flicked me on the forehead. He looked so different in person, even prettier then he is virtually. Oh my goodness why am I think about stuff like that? Whatever I'm just gonna ignore it. "Can we go to your and dreams house now?" "Yeah come on, lets head there now." Sapnap grabbed my hand and I blushed slightly,I'm not sure why though. We went to his car and he got in the driver side and I sat in the passenger side and sapnap began to drive to the house.

Dreams POV:

I heard a knock on the door, George was secretly coming here so I hoped it was George and not sapnap and karl, no offense to karl but I'm more excited to see George because he is my boyfriend of course. When I opened it I was filled with excitement because my boyfriend, George just arrived. "George!" I hugged him and then kissed him on the cheek. This isn't the first time we met up. "Hey dream!" George said while slightly blushing. He seemed really tired but excited to be here, I knew he would want to get some rest since he just had a long flight and is probably jet lagged, so I grabbed his bags and I put them in our room that we would be sharing. And George followed me into our room and layed down on the bed. "Are you tired georgie?" "Yeah of course I'm tired I just was in a plane for 9 hours and I'm super jet lagged. George said while yawning at the end. I layed down next to him and put my arm around him, and he fell asleep a few minutes later. About 5 minutes after George fell asleep I heard a knock at the door and the sound of the door being unlocked so I carefully removed my arm from George and then left the bedroom, and then I sat on the couch.

Sapnap's POV:

I pulled into the drive way of the house and parked the car in the driveway, and turned the key to turn off the car. I got out of the car and karl and I walked up to the front door, I got my keys out and searched for the house key and after I found the right one I unlocked the front door. Dream was sitting on the couch and then he looked at karl and I and greeted us. "Hey dream" I said while putting my keys on the key rack on the wall. "Hey Nick, he karl." Dream said in response. "I bought something from the airport for you dream." I said while letting out a small laugh. Dream gave me a suspicious look in return I began to walk towards his room and he grabbed my wrist. "How about I'll just take it now?" He said. "No I'm taking it in your room so you can find it later." I said while grinning. "No um, I'll bring it there myself." Dream said while trying to grab my other hand which was behind my back to grab the item in my hand. I opened up dreams door and saw George fast asleep in dreams bed. "GEORGE?" I said loudly in attempt to wake the sleeping person up. I heard him mumble something then he sat up and looked confused for a second. "Sapnap? Is that you?" He said after yawning. "Yeah it's me, why are you here and how long have you been here?" "I just got here, and I just came for a visit. "Ok then" I set the envelope down on dreams dresser and exited the room and shut the door. "Dream, why didn't you tell me George was here?" "I don't know, we were planning to surprise you and karl, but you found him before we got the chance." Dream said in defeat. "Haha loser" I said while laughing at dreams failed attempt in surprising karl and I. I looked over at karl and he was giggling at dream and i's conversation. "Come on karl, I'll show you our room.

Karls POV:

I was slightly confused until i remembered Nick and Dream's house only two bedrooms. "Ok I'm coming." I said. Sapnap brought me to our room and I set my luggage down at the foot of the bed and then I sat down on the bed. Nick was looking at something on his phone, then he sat down next to me a few seconds later. "How was your flight?" He asked while setting his phone down to talk to me. "It was exciting for the short amount of time i was awake, because I knew in a few hours I'd get to see you." I say as i smile. Nick blushes very slightly just enough for me to be able to tell that he's blushing. He looks at me and smirks, "Simp." he says. "I am not a simp Snapmap!" I say back while giggling. We decided to watch a movie and we sit down on the bed and Sapnap goes on Netflix and looks at different movies and clicks a horror film. We get a few minutes into the movie and the first jump scare appears and for some reason, when it spooked me i grabbed Sapnap's hand as a reaction to being scared. "Aw, is Karl scared?" Sapnap asks teasingly. "No! Karl doesn't get scared, he just likes to hold peoples hands." I say as an excuse. "Sure." he says sounding like he's not convinced.

WC: 1408 (im proud =] ) Thanks for reading =] and srry for the wait. see you next chapter, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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