Chapter Two

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I looking down at my class list, when I see what I have next I nearly start crying. I am dreading gym, why did I have to get gym? I am the least fit person ever! I hated gym at my old school as well because when we played anything involving a ball, my face was a target. Boys are cruel.

I slowly walk over to the gym doors, hesitantly opening them. I peek inside timidly, when my eyes find Justin an uncontrollable smile grows on my face. I silently thank the chocolate Gods for putting Justin in my gym class. Justin turns around, as if sensing me, and smiles when our eyes connect. He motions me over eagerly, and I basically run to him. When I reach him he pulls me into his embrace, holding me close.

Justin sticks his face in the crook of my neck while breathing in deeply. Is he... smelling me? Do I smell?

"Do I smell, or something?" I timidly ask Justin.

"No baby, you smell delicious" he says smiling down at me, causing me to smile in return. He is so dreamy...

"Excuse me lovebirds, but we need start the lesson" the teacher says smiling at us. "Oh you must be new! Here are the clothes you need to wear, the bathrooms are over there" he says handing me some running shorts and a singlet.

"Do I have to wear the singlet?" I ask quietly. "Is there a t-shirt or something?"

"Umm... we don't have a spear one, but I'm sure that you can borrow one of the boys t-shirts."

Justin grabs my hand and leads me to the locker room "you can have my shirt, I don't use it anymore, I prefer the singlets."

"Are you sure, I can keep my shirt on."

"No it's alright."

We stand there awkwardly with him staring at me expectantly as I just hold the shirt close to my body like a shield. Clearing my throat he quickly turns around with slight pink cheeks. Smiling to myself I turn my back to him and start to strip. Looking in the mirror across from me, all my scars and bruises littered across my torso are noticeable. The one that catches my attention is the main one starting at the top on my right shoulder and crosses across my whole torso to my left hip, disappearing into my boxers.

I quickly look away before the memory of that disgusting scar surfaces and I end up having a panic attack in front of Justin. Quickly putting my clothes on I walk over to Justin and timidly wrap my arms around his torso, laying my head on the middle of his back I take comfort in his presence chasing away the bad memories.

Justin seems shocked at my bravery but quickly turns around, to wrap his arms around me, kissing my forehead he rocks us side to side.

"We should probably go back out there" Justin mumbles in my blue hair.

I slowly unwind my arms from around his torso and look at him smiling. Together we walk out holding hands.

"Alright kids lets start with five laps of the basketball court!" The teacher yells at us.

Justin and I start running, well I run, Justin jogs next to me. By the time we finish the third lap I am panting and can't keep up with Justin, so I tell him to go ahead and finish. He seems reluctant but eventually he continuous without me.I start to jog once agin when I get pushed down. Looking up I see Marcus and Jacob sneer at me before they keep running.

Pushing myself up I dust myself off, seeing both of my knees are scraped and bleeding, sighing I carry on running, paying no mind to the slight pain in my knees. Pain is nothing new to me.

When I reach the finish line, Justin is pacing the floor, he looks up and sees me before his eyes scan my body. I know exactly when he reaches my knees because his whole body tenses and worry fills his eyes as he looks me in the eye.

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