War of The Mines

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In the Mines Of Dungarvo, two great leaders fought each other for centuries.....

The king of the dwarves Borthax was a cyclops and the mightiest of all dwarves. He had lived in those mines since he was just a child. He became king after he challenged his father to a dual and killed him in close combat.

The lord of goblins Baradak was known for his sadistic tastes and ruthless mind in battle and with his captives. He was short,no taller than a dwarf amd limped due to his missing leg the result of an arguement with a cave troll. He now sends his goblin spies to find a way into the great dwarven city, Valhelm.

Chapter 1 The Five Stocky Dwarves

Three Spike-spear dragon-whelps breathed fire on the sweet oatcakes to toast them appropriately for King Borthax and his fellow war-council. The dragon-whelps bowed to Borthax then settled back into their iron cages for warmth. He tried one just to test that they weren't too hot. "Aargh !" He bellowed with pain just as four stocky dwarves dressed in obsidian suits of armour walked in. "Are you alright m'lord ?" Asked the third one with a smile on his face."Yes i'm fine Quintus,just testing my oatcakes,too hot !" I love oatcakes especially when they're hot !" Screamed the first one with delight. "May I ?" He asked pleadingly. "Go on then,I'll make another batch later". Borthax said with reluctance. The third one spoke while the first one scoffed away greedily at the cakes. " We didn't come here just for the cakes haha,we also came to inform you one of your elite squadron has been missing for several days now and we're afraid they've been eaten by hungry drakes or captured by those wretched goblins,I advise you to send someone to find them and bring them back here so we can yell at them hehe" "Very well... I have a plan how 'bout you four and I delve into the darkness to retrieve them, they're my best squadron though I have a feeling in my gut they met their demise..." "Sure m'lord we're ready whenever you are !"

Chapter 2 Frightening Encounters

Borthax cleaned his hands "The only filth I want on my hands is goblin blood hehe". He picked up his sword. The four dwarves stared in amazement as he swinged the glowing and glistening blade and cut through air. "You like ? I made it myself. One side of the blade is steel,the other is celestial bronze, I call it Debaser".( Both steel and celestial bronze scare goblins and even trolls! ) He picked up his helmet,which was obsidian and had two dragon-teeth at the top. He barely managed to fit the helmet unto his head with the bedraggled hair. He quickly clipped on the rest of his armour : a steel cuirasse,gauntlets,greaves,pauldrons and boots. "Are you ready now ? Drake Wars is on soon." "One more thing " Borthax said optimistically. He picked up a quail from an oak tree and set it out infront of the cage. Three dragons walked out cautiously,occasionally making baby animal sounds and climbed up on Borthax's gnarled and scarred hands, he pulled out a satchel and plopped them in. " I'm ready " Borthax replied. The third one spoke " Maybe but my brother Brent is more occupied in oatcakes than going into the perilous mines." Borthax yelled at the top of his voice " GET THE FUCK OVER HERE OR I'LL FEED YOU TO THE DRAGONS !!! " That startled Brent so much he yelped and ran toward him tripping over pieces of scrap metal and blowing out wax candles.

The five dwarves left Borthax's palace and walked toward the Great Brass Doors Of Divide. Borthax gave the symbol then two huge chained trolls grunted and pulled a rusty lever. "Let's do this !" Borthax said it with such courage one would've thought nothing bad could happen. They walked past the gates and looked back to watch the huge doors close with a screeching creeaak ! The doors closed and silence rose,they were all alone now.

Chapter 3 Into The Depths

The marble of the walls leading the body strewn floor was orange with baby-blue diamond like shapes forming an admiring pattern. Borthax looked down at his fallen comerades, only skeletons now but their pieces of armour represented Borthax's family mark. He murmured a prayer under his breathe. Walking through the halls of the fallen dwarves was quite depressing. The feel of such silence was eerie. A large boom like the sound of a drum came from the far distance of the dust hall. The boom became continuous,stronger and louder. We decided to unsheathe our blades and face whatever lies behind the darkness. A fierce,intimidating chant was made by more then one goblin or troll... "Burning bashing... burning... bashing... burning... bashing". "The sounds in the darkness are coming from those foul goblins...." The five dwarves ran toward the sound screaming and shouting taunts, only to find a gigantic score of hundreds upon hundreds of goblins and trolls chanting and snorting. Chaos broke out bashing of shields against swords grew immense,the five dwarves battled their way through the hordes of goblins slicing and dicing until a sound that stopped all movement broke out.... "The Great Wolf is here..." Borthax's eyes twitched as he recalled the grim appearance of this beast ; Teeth,sharp as daggers, fur black as coal,eyes carrying the essence of death within it's very pupils, The end of many.

Goblins and trolls shrieked,scampering in all different directions into darkness or crawling up the marble columns disappearing in a flash,leaving Borthax and his four companions alone,alone with the beast that wiped out many races. Brent didn't seem too heroic now... whimpering and wetting his leggings,Borthax knew that if Brent got that scared if anything went wrong it'd be like herding a sheep through a pack of wolves. Quintus looked at Borthax waiting for an order

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2014 ⏰

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