Chapter 20 - Magic

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I usually ended every day with a bath. It had become my routine and for good reason. They used softly scented oils that relaxed my muscled and refreshed my energy and I loved the flowers scattered throughout the water. The food here was also phenomenal, enough so that I was comfortable being unspecific in what I wanted. My only gripe was that I could not be left alone. Even if I refused their help, Maybella and Misa would stand by in the room while I bathed in case I drowned. While sacrifices, or 'roses' as I was told was the proper term in the Empire was, were immortal we could still die. It was for that reason that I finally understood why Eclis was so protective of his study. It was only here that I was left alone.

Infront of me were the books I'd requested of Alphonse. I had asked for beginner magic tomes, but I hadn't expected Eclis' library to own ones specifically for noble women. I sighed. '101 ways to impress guests' and 'A ladies magic' sat open on my desk. Beside me were even more tomes of useless magic. I was right in assuming the previous owner of this body was taught magic and now their talent was mine.

Fortunately, I already knew the gist of how magic worked in this world. Or at least, the magic most commonly used by Tyrrans. Once one could read Abyssal you could learn new spells from tomes. Naturally, this meant books and schools were regulated and controlled by the nobility. While I had my own study, I had yet to be granted access to either library in Eclis' estate and the only two who could grant me that access was Eclis or Alphonse.

I continued to flip through the tomess looking for anything remotely useful. I landed on a spell that could quickly dry something, I could see it being useful when I left the palace. In these books the descriptions of each spell were written in Common with a difficulty rating beside it. This one was rated tier zero. To learn the spell, I just had to read the runes in full before concentrating on their meaning. I knew of two other tricks to help me as well. Visualizing the runes in your mind and sounding out the language were supposed to help shave off the time it took to meditate on it. It still took me over an hour to fully grasp a basic spell like this and I had a throbbing headache to boot. I still smiled despite it. I did it! I learned my first magic spell!! A giggle escaped me I was so elated.

Clearing a space in the middle of my room, I placed a dry handkerchief on my coffee table. The small summoning stone Maybella had given to me glowed when I activated it. Shortly after Misa knocked and I sent her to fetch two glasses of water. It was hard to be patient while I waited. She gave me a concerned look when I snatched the two glasses, shutting the door in her face. No one was aloud to enter my study anymore.

Wetting the handkerchief I took my place in front of the table. With a deep breath I concentrated on using the spell. Unfortunately, the novel never really described how to activate magic and the tomes I had all assumed you'd know something so basic. Sounding out the spell didn't work, nor did waving my hands over it. It was frustrating but I wasn't giving up. In between my failed attempts to cast the spell Maybella knocked on the door asking if I would rest soon. I'd been locked in my room for five hours already. Not until I get this. It was another half hour before I'd managed it.

The trick was to visualize not only the spell taking effect, but the runes of it as well. I didn't need to move my hands at least, nor did I need to speak it aloud. The handkerchief briefly glowed... That's it? It was dry when I poked it. No magical puff of mist or anything else. My knees buckled, dropping me to the floor. The plush rug cushioned my fall. I certainly had inherited this person's talent for magic. She had none. A simple spell drained me.

I drank the second glass while mulling over my situation on the floor. Unsteadily, I moved myself back to my desk, the throbbing headache causing black spots in my vision. Magic was a key pillar in what I wanted to do in this world. My vision blurred and a tear trickled down my cheek. If I'm this powerless... What can I even do? It didn't make sense. Even normal humans could cast multiple basic spells without tiring. Wasn't it supposed to be a party trick as well? For humans, your magical prowess was inherited. From your affinity down to the upper limit you could achieve. If I were this weak...

A knock at the door startled me. "Come in." It was Maybella. She crossed the room quickly, kneeling in front of me.

"What happened Madam?" I quickly wiped the tear from my face. More threatened to spill if I talked so instead, I just shook my head. "You've been in here for hours. Please, come rest. You're scheduled to have dinner with the Duke today." Her voice held no ounce of real concern for me, her words were only out of duty. She escorted me to my bed and helped me undress without a word or further question. The distance between me and everyone I knew here was suffocating. Sleep never came. All I could think of was my goal and how I could possibly achieve it like this.

Hours later I got up in time for dinner with Eclis. It weighted on me still, but I wasn't going to let myself be defeated so easily. The dressing process aggravated my headache as well. Misa noticed my mood but didn't say anything.

They escorted me through the palace. Perhaps it was because of my mood but the fact that no servant would make eye contact was bothering me. I knew it was out of respect but... It was uncomfortable. A stab pierced my heart again, but aside from wincing there were no signs of it.

In the main foyer stood Richard, conveniently in our path. "Ah, your grace, how funny to bump into you hear." 'Bumping' into Richard like this was a good reminder of why it was important that Eclis knew the novel. Everyone knows I'm dining with Eclis tonight.

"Sir Richard, how nice to see you here. I'm just on my way to see the Duke." I smiled cordially at him and moved to leave. He blocked my path to offer his escort.

"Allow me Madam." Maybe it was because I already knew his motive, but his smile creeped me out. Many eyes were on us, however, robbing me of the luxury of denying him. As lightly as I could I took his escort.

"You've been by the palace often Sir Richard, thank you for your diligence." If only small talk was instinctual. My headache wasn't helping either.

"Of course, it is nothing." He beamed at the compliment. "I have been forever faithful to the lord and all his past Roses." I wonder when that changed.

"Then I look forward to your continued service Sir." Please be gone soon.

"It is my honor." Finally, he got down to the reason for his constant pestering. "Oh Madam, I'm not sure if you've heard. There is to be a ball held at the Imperial palace to celebrate the crown prince's recent victory at high castle." It was one of the many fringe isles in between both continents that Tyrra and Ganimede were at war over. Ah, they're already moving to introduce the crown prince to me. I smiled at how futile it was. He was destined to be Julia's true love and I was destined to return home soon.

"I would love to; I fear it may be too soon though. My body is still recovering from that awful place..." I trailed off for dramatic effect while schooling my face to that of a distraught girl. He took the bait.

"Oh my, it is in a week Madam. Would this be too soon?" He was feigning concern but at least he was convinced enough to pretend.

"In a week... I'm not sure Sir Richard. I've had little time to focus on my health..." I sighed, grateful that vampires couldn't tell a lie if they hadn't drunk your blood. "I do hope another chance to meet the imperial family comes soon. Please do let me know when there is another event." I gave him a tired smile which wasn't hard to accomplish. I was very tired.

"But of course, Madam." Our journey ended in front of the dining room door. He bowed and remained so until the doors closed behind me. Richard would likely report immediately to the Emperor or their intermediary about this conversation. Unfortunately, with the artifacts and magic present in this world it would be useless to have him followed. The message could be delivered covertly and without trace.

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