Looking for Alibrandi English assignment.

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Heeey(: so for our english assignment, we had to read the book "looking for Alibrandi" We then had find somewhere in the book where we thought the author didnt go into description about it and right about 500 words describing it more thouroughly. I choose to revolove around these 7 words "he kissed me slowly on the mouth" <<< because that... isnt very exciting :p

anyway. the italic parts are from the boook, alll the rest i wrote(:


He leaned forward, I saw his eyes glance down at my lips and then back to meet my eyes again. Almost as if asking, "Can I?" I gulped feeling my heart rate increase, lowering my sight looking anywhere but at him. Warm tan fingers lifted my chin, forcing me to look into the eyes of Jacob Coote. He was coming ever closer, I'd been kissed before but it was more of a peck. I'd never liked anyone as much as I had Jacob and this felt different. I squeezed my eyes shut, closing in the distance between us. He kissed my mouth slowly at first, the lips upon mine felt sweet and warm yet rough and sexy at the same time. Our lip moved slowly together, suddenly lust filled my body and the urgency of needing more overwhelmed me. I pushed my tongue out and licked his lower lip slowly, almost, seductively. He grinned against my lips and opened up for me. I didn't have much experience in the boy area and this was my first open mouthed kiss. However I knew he liked me taking the initiative when it came to us, so I snaked my tongue into his mouth and played tonsil hockey with him. It was honestly one of the most amazing things I'd ever felt, my heart was racing, my body heating up and I could feel myself wanting to do more than just kiss. My hands roamed up and down his chest, savouring the moment. I oh so deeply wanted to move my hands even lower down to his... NO! Stop it Josie. Don't even think about that. Imagine if nonna found out, she would be so disappointed in you and the blame she would put on your Mamma for it! Slowly and reluctantly I pulled away from the kiss, needing to breath. I was panting slightly as my eyes locked with his.

"Another chance," he said. "We were both hot headed and I said things I didn't mean. I'll never say them again. Cross my heart and hope to die,"

I pondered this in my head. Could Josie Alibrandi and Jacob Coote really work out? I think mamma would like him if they got to know each other, but nonna would never approve. Jacob was the bad boy type and I was probably fit for someone like John Barton. I'd crushed on him for ages and we'd come closer recently, but he didn't appeal to me so much anymore. Don't get me wrong, I was glad to have him as a friend, but anything more? I'm not so sure.

Narrowing my eyes at Jacob, I remembered what we had just shared and said,

"And never lie again?"

He leaned forward and kissed me again, this time it was slower, more compassionate kiss, nothing heated about it,. Just a sweat meaningful memory, one of many I hope.

Stepping back I looked around, remembering where we were and became embarrassed.

"People will see, we're at a bus stop."

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it, looking pleased with himself. I smiled to myself, feeling really glad I could make him happy. Usually I'm not arrogant and simple minded but I couldn't help from wanting to do a small happy dance, all the while my mind was cheering for me. Jacob was after all probably one of the hottest guys in Sydney; well he was certainly the hottest guy I'd ever met.

"You'll have to come over again and redeem yourself with my mother," I told him honestly. "She was very unimpressed."

And how true that was I thought, watching him shrug while he said,

"I've lived through it once."

I felt the urge to scream, "Yes, but the first time you were a jackhammer to my mamma!' but I held it in, knowing that it wouldn't help anything. I hugged him quickly, noticing that the bus was approaching.


Soooo waddya think? Reckon i could write Mills and Boons books ? :p

no but seriosuly, please comment and tell me what you think.. i should so get an A+ shouldnt i? :D

Thanks for reading <3 love my non existant fans(: x

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